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Ultimately, you are responsible for your own suffering and your own enlightenment:


Other beings may be the initial or primary cause of physical harm or suffering. Dwelling in unfortunate past activities waste valuable time and energy that should be reserved for personal renewal, healing and forgiveness of others.

Family, friends and other wise entities can assist you by pointing the way.  But in the end, only you choose the type of person you will become. It’s never too late to choose good and truth regarding self.

Generally, suffering serves to expose your lack of required understanding, unfulfilled expectations, excessive attachments to objects and ideas, etc. Life is a school- life repetitively presents opportunities of suffering and obstacles. Suffering begins to dissipate as you learn the required lessons about self and move towards enlightenment.

The Happiness Equation:

Happiness = Positive Reality Perspective – Unfulfilled Expectations – Unfulfilled Desires.

Positive and optimistic life interpretations fuel your spirit.

Every disappointment is preceded by expectations. To minimize disappointments, minimize your expectations for others.

(Imposed expectations by parents, supervisors and others leaders are generally necessary, although such expectations may lead to disappointments)

Who are you?

Are you the sum of your material assets, financial intelligence, capacity to compete, principles and values handed down through generations, career position, status within society,  relationships with loved ones and future goals?

These characteristics classify you within categories. There is an often less explored, greater and authentic you that cannot be fully described by mere human language.

Self Exploration:

On occasions, examine your life by recalling various past activities, events and your corresponding responses.

Contemplate why you responded as you did. What pains were you avoiding, or what unfulfilled needs or desires were you seeking to fulfill? Each self analysis reveals a view into the personal psyche of your past, present and perhaps your future.

For each memory of hurting others, contemplate their pains and ask for forgiveness from them if possible. Advance by becoming a being that expends great effort not to harms others.

For each memory of helping others, contemplate their growths and ask for nothing in return. Advance by becoming a being that exercises great awareness to minimize expectations for others.

You voluntarily choose to read this text while in a state of physical and mental nonviolence. This chosen nonviolent state confirms your capacity for a lifetime of sustained nonviolence. Moment-by-moment awareness, free-will and self discipline provide your path to fulfillment.

Love is offered in various forms:

The meaning, intent, substance and commitment of the spoken word “LOVE” often vary by age, circumstances, context, experiences and needs of the speaker.

Each human experienced LOVE in various frameworks since birth. Therefore, be grateful and blessed to receive it. LOVE concepts and experiences have penetrated each being on varying levels of current understanding and expression. Accordingly, the wise is very patient in observing its long-term sustenance and sustainability as offered by the speaker.

Paradox of life:

One paradox of life is that you and all other beings matter greatly, simultaneously.

What you do to others, you also do to yourself.

What you do to yourself, you also do to others.

Know self by knowing others. See others by seeing self. Nurture self and you help to nurture all humanity.

Master this paradox and you understand the permanent relation that binds all life.

Highest personal ideals discovery:

Contemplate, discover and follow your highest ideals, your greatest conceivable good, and you will live each day with direction, faithfulness, worthiness and authenticity.

Web Resources

Self Help Personal Psyche Advancement



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