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The Issues

Money Issues and Conditions:

Take several days to track all your thoughts and the concerns of others around you. You will find that on the surface, most worries and concerns for self and other humans in modern societies can be traced to the deficiency, desire, need or management of money. In contrast, you will find that below the subtle surface, practically all noteworthy concerns can be traced to the deficiency, desire, need or management of the evolution of self and the entire human race. Obvious surface money concerns result from our socialized inability to devote time for personal evolution, as both personal priorities and time have been subordinated to the need and obligation to earn income.

There is a civilization-implemented priority placed on those without sufficient money to compete with other global citizens for financial security. Because this money has become so essential, the people must preempt their true desired and intended global contributions to attempt achievement of lifetime financial security for self and loved ones.

The reader must not underestimate the full implications of the previous statement. Each global citizen has unique potential contributions and aspirations for the global community. Yet, most global citizens are grossly misdirected to lifetime attempts and worries to generate and preserve financial security for self and family. If any person or organization wishes to contest this theory, first remember these references to money heard daily:


If I had More Money:
If I had more money, I could quit my job, buy a bigger home and nicer cars, place my children in better schools, secure myself for retirement, feel more successful, receive more respect and more public recognition, take more vacations and worry less.

If I had more money, my family could have better health insurance.

If I had more money, I would be more socially agreeable day-to-day as it is very difficult to show my best inner being when I’m under so much constant financial pressure.

If I had more money, I would have more time to follow my dreams and potential world contributions in art, music, publishing and other expressions.

If I had more money, I could take routine retreats to far away lands such as the Buddhist temples in Tibet or the tropical rain forests in South America.

If I had more money, I would donate all I could to the very poor in Africa.

If I had more money, perhaps I would have more marital candidates who would be interested enough in me to learn of my wonderful inner qualities I have to offer.

If I had more money, I could finally leave my physically and emotionally violent mate and rebuild a new life for me and my children.

If I had more money, I would have time to volunteer within my community, my country and globally.

If I had more money, I could focus more on the ideas I receive daily to advance the human race.

If I had more money, I could give much more to the homeless and less fortunate people I see on the streets daily.

If my government had more money, they could provide wholesome foods for all citizens, eliminate homelessness, balance budgets, purchase an abundance of required energy sources and hire the greatest workers.

If my community residents had more money, there would be less motivation to commit crimes.

Clearly you understand that this list of money possibilities can continue without end. What is common among all of the above wishes for more money is that they are happening now and represent cries of the global majority to break free from a mental, civilization-created prison.


Social Stagnation and Decline:
One of the most detrimental impacts of money systems on the human race is the degradation of families and significant relationships. Aside from rural families and simple communities with abundant farmland and neighbors working together to provide basic food needs, urban living comes at a far too expensive social price for many people.

In the current era, most people will acknowledge that the choice and selection process for relationships and marriage is strongly influenced by perceptions regarding the abilities of the couple to maintain sufficient stable cash inflows. This hopeful financial criterion for choosing whether to enter a relation and for mate selection often acts as the same financial failure instrument that ends the relationship. Couples find themselves unable to maintain a happy relationship because of the inability of at least one of them to satisfy the financial expectations that encouraged them to initially merge.

Essentially, there is a sustained financial decision and selection criterion passed to successive generations that encourages people to commit to relations and to build families such that without the need for money, vastly different and wiser choices probably would be made. Without financial considerations, relationship choice, criteria and timing could be based primarily on more sustainable and merit worthy foundations such as maturity, proven devotion to family, common interests, mutual trust and admiration for ones community and ones desire to actively participate within it.

Many nations provide their military units with free food, water, shelter, training and medical care. The obvious reason is that nations want their military members fully supported and unconcerned about daily needs, thereby enabling members to fully focus on their tasks. So nations should contemplate why they fail to institute this same logic for all of their citizens. Global planners should contemplate why they fail to institute this same logic for all global citizens.


Insufficient Access to Resources:

Technically, money is not the problem directly but insufficient access to essential resources by all members of our race. Sufficient money within the current social paradigm allows one to acquire sufficient resources and to preserve a sense that resources will be available in the future. As long as at least one global citizen lose due to the global money system, the system is broken and in need of repair or replacement. Since the insufficient resource problem probably existed before the introduction of money systems, then we simply have the same problem of distribution. This appears to be at the crux of the issue – how do we both provide for every individual globally and simultaneously advance the entire human race in a peaceful environment?

Will money systems warrant a place in our future advancement? Our currency system serves the purpose of providing a means to exchange goods, services and value. With this system, money has always transacted among individuals, companies, governments and other entities. The downfall of this system in the current era and in the future is that the fierce competition to transfer money from others to self is now severely limiting global progress when we are in most need of and capable of progressive cooperative philosophies and activities consistent with globally adopted highest ideals.

Sample Money Fixation Indicator:
One significant indicator that humanity has already exceeded its dependency on money systems and continues to avoid pure cooperation is that human birth and death come at a financial price in modern societies. Individuals usually have no control over  these events.  Nevertheless, birth and death can cost family members the equivalent of perhaps thousands of dollars. One could argue that to avoid such financial impacts, simply choose a relatively self-contained country lifestyle. Surely some people have done so for exactly that reason. However, many continue searching for vast opportunities to reach their potential, and larger cities usually provide more opportunities in this regard.


Subhuman Compromises:
Because humans implement competitive monetary policies that produce deaths from financial suicides, then humans sustain psyche conditions that encourage more humans to feel less worthy and therefore vulnerable to future suicidal tendencies. When humans fail to nurture every global citizen by allowing death from famine, human leadership ultimately deemed that self supersedes the survival and prosperity responsibilities for another human. Ironically, supporting that same individual could have returned global contributions worthy of nobel prize nominations. Global leadership continues to demonstrate no faith in the capacity of the one to benefit the global many. Prostitution exists partially because vulnerable people require more survival resources for themselves or their families. Of course, money or other valuables are required to obtain these survival resources.

When any one person cannot afford to pay for needed medical procedures, there is competition to determine which side will yield to transfer their money or services to the other. It is often the case that the patient will lose this competition as the medical facility has the power to gather needed personnel, equipment and facilities to serve the patient. This is not to judge the medical facility as they truly wish to serve the patient. However, they have plenty of other patients who have ample insurance or funds to pay for their procedures. It makes sense, from a highest ideal system based on money, that those able to pay are given priority. It is noteworthy that medical facilities are required to provide emergency medical care regardless of ones ability to pay. Following our highest ideals would involve ensuring that each person would receive the highest medical care available at all times without cost.

A person who must choose between paying the rent and paying for food is competing with the landlord who wants the rent on time, with the grocer who want their foods purchased and with self who wants both a good place to live and good food to eat. Parents who must choose to work extra hours or extra jobs to pay for family expenses are competing with employers who want the needed skills and time at the least salary, with their children who need the benefits of the extra money yet cries for needed hours of parental attention taken away from them by the employers and with self as their highest ideals of having both sufficient time and resources to care for their family cannot be achieved. A defendant involved in spousal support legal proceedings competes with the court to minimize how much must be transferred each month, with legal counsel who requires payment for a strong defense and often with the spouse who may want a support level ordered far beyond what is necessary only to add extra financial burden, unhappiness and stress to the defendant.

Speculation Investments – Gambling Mentality:

As of June 2008, while writing a portion of this work, the market price of crude oil was about $135 per barrel. Government officials argue that perhaps high oil prices are artificially inflated in part by speculator investment groups who buy and sell oil futures and other oil market derivatives with no intention of actually taking possession of the oil product at any time. These oil speculators compete with other speculators and investors hoping that the oil market will move in their desired direction, with the stock market in general as high oil prices are correlated with an under-performing stock market and with end users such as airlines, shipping and delivery companies and the general public as they rely on affordable prices of the essential liquid.

Human Suffering and Competition:
Introducing the above scenarios regarding the entities competing among each other for money does not imply that such activities are wrong. These scenarios were introduced to reflect the wide range by which money and competition detrimentally impacts our race. Some must win and some must lose.  Accordingly, money, currency and debt are ripe for global expiration. The perception of our current money system will be considered appropriate and worthy of defense among those having full awareness of the families, communities and nations that continue to suffer by the system.

The money system appears to work as long as the pursuit of money reflects the limit of our highest ideals and that those with insufficient coins, money papers and credit are disregarded according to “survival of the most financially fit” ideals. However, after contemplating global models that citizens will respect, expect and protect for over one thousand years, one global vision will arise.  Upon the necessity to evolve by adopting higher ideals such as equity and respect, cooperation via non-competition and individual and global advancement, the institution of money appears strongly outdated as it cannot function to serve all people. If every person received all their necessities based on a combination of need and equal distribution, there would be no purpose or desire to pursue money of any form.

These forms of disparities unnecessarily and detrimentally dominate our existence. Civilization strives to adapt by replacing older systems and their associated problems with newer systems that solves the older associated problems and allows room for future adaptations. Money systems are division-friendly by distributing resources according to ones ability level and not primarily by need. In contrast evolution-friendly systems distribute resources according to real needs of individuals, communities and nations and respect the dignity of all people. Replacing money as a system with a more modern system of personal evolution and contribution is the way to place humanity on the path of shedding old problems of have versus have-not societies, money-related crimes, schemes, bribery, selfishness, jealousy, deception, etc. and replacing them with people, communities, governments and nations that implement policies and decisions consistent with their true hearts and independent of financial corruption.


Money cannot directly solve problems:
Money has no direct power to solve any problem, create any technology or devise any new philosophy. Vehicles launch into space to accomplish many missions at high financial cost. The vehicles would still launch if all personnel, systems and plans operated without money but based on the motives of mutual cooperation and the privilege to express highly developed skills from education and experience. Money would be unnecessary as all personnel receive free food, water, shelter, medical and education regardless of job position. All materials for space vehicle construction and maintenance are free as they come from factories whose workers also receive free food, water, shelter, medical and education regardless of job position. So, the problem of launching vehicles into space was not achieved or limited directly by money but by cooperative participation acting together. The full realization of launching vehicles into space and every other endeavor at zero cost will occur at the exact moment when we globally cooperate to untie every financial grip that restricts every nation, institution, community and individual worldwide.

There is no problem or objective that could not be solved in the absence of money exchange. The obstacle preventing comprehension of this idea is heavily ingrained in our psyche by centuries of dependency on money systems. Money equates to a default damage control system that continues due to the failure to evolve into a global cooperative operating model. Money lacks both short-term strength and long-term stamina to inspire those of virtue, and it does not deserve to be our intermediary of exchange. Remember, if everyone receiving goods and services could do so without exchanging money then they would do so. In a cooperative model, basic needs such as food, water and shelter are free.

We choose to continue reinforcing the separations among us by treating one another as strangers and competitors by requiring money for basic needs. The relevant connection is that many less fortunate people lack sufficient money to pay for a meal. But under the cooperative model, anyone could get a free meal when desired. The possession of money causes added stress to protect and preserve its value. Without money as a distraction, people can identify and address root problems and issues more directly. Money systems have been ingrained into civilized culture for so long that perhaps we have forgotten the benefits and character of conducting mass exchange based solely on need or goodwill.

Some may speculate that the human race is now too far interdependent on money and individually enslaved or addicted to it such that we are now incapable as one global psyche to transcend it. This is the battle with money that prevents progress of every endeavor in our time. To some degree, every decision depends on money while money directly accomplishes nothing that could not be accomplished by replacing it with pure cooperation. Accordingly, it functions as an unwanted tool of insecurity and control that cannot be dismissed by a majority of everyday citizens globally. Frankly, most people need money in the 21st century only to avoid the fear and pain of not having it and the resources that only money can provide in our outdated and detrimentally competitive distribution system. Accordingly, there will always be those who will never be satisfied with what money they currently have as it represents the potential limit of their future security. Money systems will continue to sprout robbers, thieves, deceivers and murderers who will seek the quantity of money and other valuables deemed entitled by them. Replacing money with pure cooperation will ingrain among global citizens that the limit of their future security would be based on their abilities of global and local cooperation.


Price Versus Value:
Explorers search during a lifetime to discover ancient artifacts. Although the rediscovered treasures could be sold for large sums of money, the wise and the intelligent seek the real value in the historical significance and the information gained upon discovering the secrets of the artifacts. The beneficiary becomes all of mankind. Money, if used at all, should be a tool to negotiate an exchange among nonessential goods, services and value. The fact that goods, services and value must be negotiated such that some win and some lose is our best evidence that mankind has not evolved from the limiting competition model to the evolving cooperation model.

Negotiating money distribution is an attempt to provide short-term relief among those in need while the unresolved, long-term problem of failing to correct the flaw that creates the problem continues. Therefore, money will be needed again to pacify the next short-term negotiation when again some win and some lose. Money has value only when the institutions in control of it set the value. Upon total defeat and occupation by an enemy of war, the currency of the defeated becomes immediately subject to the implied worth set by the conqueror. This often equates to worthless pieces of paper etched with esoteric but significant markings and faces of people who are not members of your family. This paper immediately becomes an item limited to historical significance and memorabilia of the era.


Government Monetary Protection:
Governments expend immense effort and resources to design, manufacture, protect, distribute, and monitor money. Moreover, extensive effort is expended to capture and prosecute money robbers and counterfeiting entities. As long as the money system exists, there will always be those who will seek the portion of money they deem entitled or needed by them, legally or illegally.


Complexity Of Modern Money Systems:
Money systems have become so complex that academic financial degrees exist to maintain proficiency in its comprehension and application. One minute should be the maximum time required to explain and fully master any system designed for fair global participation. The fact that vast rules and complex financial formulas are required to understand and to excel in money systems suggest that some can comprehend and some cannot comprehend the system. Accordingly, money as an institution resists equal opportunities among global people. An entity can donate money to help equalize opportunities, but this differs from having systems and philosophies that inherently provide equality and the corresponding dignity that naturally follows from such intentional systems.

There is excessive mental and emotional energy sacrificed in the pursuit of money. If money thoughts were analyzed, an obvious majority of citizens would conclude that most thoughts of money are more negative than positive. Money thoughts are labeled as a life burden than a life enhancement. Granted that sufficient money provides life enhancements but the frequent and unavoidable thoughts of money are mostly undesirable and comes at extremely high emotional cost. There is a sense of awe speculating about the era when our descendants can conservatively estimate that at least seventy percent of all thoughts and activities of their modern civilization are related to the pursuit of happiness and productivity through the development of self, family, communities and all humanity.

Global Monetary Impact and Scope:
Every United States recession and depression since 1797 was caused by either irresponsible human finances or conflicts. At the very least, none of these recessions or depressions were caused by the actions or choices of everyday citizens. Future recessions and depressions will also be caused by national, global and institutional monetary policies or rogue activities which could and should be deemed unnecessary and detrimental to all present and future human social conditions. 

Consider that ones unavoidable money worries and insecurities are multiplied by billions of other global citizens with similar conditions. Also consider that leading world financial entities are both dedicated and addicted to a financial system that does not and cannot provide essential resources for every global citizen. Furthermore, global leaders participate in a culture that voluntarily chooses not to implement cooperative policies to serve all global citizens. If world leadership was truly committed to elevating every global citizen, then they would have done so already, regardless of any perceived money obstacle.

Salary and Quality of Life:
Sufficient salary and technology resources are substandard in many countries. It is reasonable that people desire to improve their lives and will legally or illegally cross the borders of nations having greater opportunities and quality of living resources. Illegal immigration often places a social burden on host nations by stressing health care, housing, education, employment and family service systems. Additionally, some will burden criminal justice systems through illegal drug and violence organizations. It is noteworthy that these motivations would be significantly reduced in environments where more equitable distributions of resources and knowledge existed.


Jobs: Compensation Versus Contribution:
Job management, compensation models and assumptions are severely outdated and deserving overhaul. Discussions of economies are currently infused with demands for unequal paying jobs that therefore create unequal opportunities and unequal resource distributions. This system is now outdated as citizens are more aware that they are worth more than a paycheck. Furthermore, citizens understand philosophically and economically that job security depends on current demand for skills, materials and products which are in constant flux. Therefore it is logical to conclude that as long as economic security depends on job security, then there will be citizens who are aware that their economic inequality condition is supported by government policies and fleeting economic conditions.

Fleeting economic conditions support unstable job conditions as changing demand for goods and services cannot sustain individuals no longer in demand. Governments support unstable job conditions as they desire and require that essential survival resources, education, health care and benefits be exchanged for money, which is never guaranteed for every individual to possess in sufficient quantities.


Job Dissatisfaction Traded For Compensation:
Global citizens spend a significant percent of daily awakened time  searching for and maintaining jobs to earn income. When you focus on the many humans worldwide who are dissatisfied with their work, regardless of the reason, you realize one of the most detrimental exchanges of job dissatisfaction for compensation. When job dissatisfaction is further isolated due to unhealthy supervisory temperaments and leadership skills, then there lies the primary conditions for the continued decline in worker dignity, excellence and loyalty in order to protect needed financial inflow. People should not be directly or indirectly forced to engage in jobs or projects to protect their access to essential resources, especially when they would not willingly volunteer without compensation.


Flaw of Modern Work Philosophy:
To participate in global exchange, each government chooses its model for essential resource distribution. This often equates to income from jobs and therefore equates to resource distribution based on job reliability and job demand. Current global and national resource distribution competition models falsely presume that monetary compensation must continue to be required for future productivity and motivation for job selection and proficiency in the 21st century. Additionally, it is believed that mainstream economists and government advisors continue to advise under the assumption that money exist and is presumed to be the optimum motivator and prerequisite for individual and collaborative efforts. Although this monetary belief system allowed humanity to arrive at its current state while providing for a large percent of global citizens, continuing this thinking will not support modern ideals or future productivity demands. To be clear, as long as individual financial ability depends on job availability, then there will always be deficiencies in abilities to provide essential resources to some of our global family. This is true because job acquisition is often dependent upon factors outside of individual control, inferring that financial security guarantee is in proportion to job security guarantee under the current economic environment.


Insufficient Motivation For Future Human Productivity:
Furthermore, optimum productivity cannot be obtained by common compensation forms. Optimum productivity occurs when individuals willingly work towards objectives of their choice and aptitude, such as a hobby. It is ironic that individuals will pay for non-essential resources and devote significant hours to accomplish a hobby project, yet they will create occasional excuses to avoid a paid mandatory job. Associations between economic conditions and individual job security were reviewed here as preparation for alternative economic and productivity models and proposals that disconnect ones ability to acquire essential resources and job acquisition.


Money Paradox:
An assumption is that governments would prefer that every individual prosper with every needed resource. However, since even governments currently require money to redistribute resources and benefits, the acquisition of money is also at their competitive forefront. It is this circular reasoning that justifies classifying global financial systems as a money paradox. As long as there is at least one human who loses due to the money system, the global system remains broken.

Money systems can no longer participate in sustained future global advancement for several significant reasons.Modern global psyche and morality now demand sustaining and advancing every global citizen. But money competition systems are highly incompatible with such modern advancement philosophies. Money promotes unequal distribution of essential resources where it is solely responsible for homelessness, famine and loss of human dignity. Money creates environments where higher education, human knowledge and associated opportunity flow only to those possessing sufficient money access to exchange at universities worldwide.

Optimum advancement occurs only when knowledge is freely available and shared among all global citizens to maximize the growth of competent collaborations for global benefit. The unwelcome but mandatory thoughts of money and money-related issues have bombarded personal lives such that it easily accounts for a debilitating and stagnating proportion of human brain allocation, valuable time and effort that could be allocated to global and personal advancement contribution.

Money is deeply ingrained in every aspect of modern living, political decision process and media broadcast content. After considerable contemplation of the true nature of money, one may soon realize that every money dependency and discussion is totally unnecessary and should be beneficially uncoupled from the human experience. Money discourages pure need-based exchange thus creating have versus have-not entities. Ironically, money systems may be the most expensive obstacle to sustaining future global advancement and cooperation. In essence, money causes humans to think and act in manners inconsistent with their highest ideals and evolutionary advancement needs.

Lack of Proper Global Assessment and Response:
Another level of this downfall is that we have not yet globally adopted a system of highest ideals to steer worldwide motives and efforts. This current model mimics a car filled with people who arrive at a four-way intersection with four different possible destinations. There is no consensus as to which way to go. With each individual now choosing to go different directions as evidence of different highest ideals, there is extreme unrest and emotional frustration. Some may choose to get out and seek alternate transports to their desired locations. Meanwhile the friendships and future relations among the group are in jeopardy. Had this group decided in advance where they were going as evidence of their mutual highest ideals, there would be a default direction and destination predetermined to achieve the best interest of the group.


How global money systems stagnate future human social development A waste of human brain allocation.


Unrealized Social Advancement:
We recognize the value returned when literacy rates and education levels rise within local communities. Crime rates decrease and opportunities increase. It is unfortunate that this level of commitment is often unsustainable as qualified teachers and staff, time and resources come at a price.

Unnecessary Gross Disparities:
There are wide disparities between opportunities for higher education globally. Common obstacles include cost, geography, perceived achievement and aptitude levels and unavailable time.


Gross Under-leveraging of Global Academic Resources:

Universities and trade schools worldwide are lecturing on a vast array of topics and proficiency levels. Each training lecture that goes unrecorded is lost in its most pure form. Besides eager attempts by attending students to organize accurate notes for future recall and often disposal upon class or degree completion, all knowledge and wisdom from each lecture is permanently deleted from future human usage and global leverage. There is no current leveraging of instructor time and knowledge such that instructor efforts and knowledge are preserved for continued individual and global advancement.

Unquantified Losses from Global Education Restrictions:
Because a reliable path to pursue any desired educational achievement is unavailable to every individual worldwide, the human race is denied the cumulative advancements from countless potential technological and philosophical contributions that are unrealized while we avoid free global education.

Until the human race sufficiently evolves to eagerly share all knowledge, skills and time at zero cost, there must be a mechanism to place every global citizen on a path to advance self and humanity through freely accessible education.

The globally unintelligent coveting of knowledge.


Health Care




Technology Deficiencies and Global Suffering:

Most technologies currently developed are beneficial for the human race. However, the rate of technology advancements specifically dedicated to reducing and eliminating forms of social suffering does not meet current and future global needs.

Increased Need for Resources:

Currently, global citizens are aware of planet earth as the sole world available for human inhabitation. Yet, rising global populations and demand for food and raw materials require that the human race find alternate living strategies and resources to accommodate future needs.

Communication Limitations:

An extremely small percent of global citizens are able to effectively communicate with the majority of other global citizens due to language barriers. Accordingly, routine encounters worldwide among those with limited cross-language competencies often end or fail to evolve into knowledge exchanged or social relationships formed. Additionally, the human species is denied many valuable interactions due to limited technologies that fully incorporate hearing and visually impaired citizens.

Patents Restricting Global Release and Benefit:

Modern human motivations to delay the release of patented knowledge, products and processes are compensation and commercial competition. Furthermore, humans will sometimes conduct covert operations, years of expensive litigations or even kill adversaries to achieve superiority in these matters. Meanwhile, citizens around the globe are systematically denied the immediate benefits of new knowledge. Furthermore, when finally released, consumers will pay higher prices to cover patent-related compensations and expenses.

Technologies primarily for profits versus pure advancement.

Substandard Expectations and Conditionings:

Documented human phenomenon and current-day gifted beings provide evidence of our future capacity. Yet, our modern civilization model limits us to expect a lifetime of working long hours doing tasks far below our mental capacities and personal interests.

Human-Created Crisis Conditions:

Higher neurological functions and dormant genes stand ready to activate new human capacities when the environment is harmonious, when the mind evolves out of its subtle, long-term crisis state. Yes, our current operating model encourages excessive stress, obligations to work, time away from loved ones and individual insecurity, thus subduing the processes toward progressive human genetic activations and neurological advancements.

Human intelligence globally is grossly suppressed by stress and survival thought processes. Societies are full of reasons to experience doubt, fear, deception and insecurity.

Insufficient Psyche Support:

Individuals benefiting from the education of their choice and achieving much global contribution today still lack the added contribution capacity achievable only from being personally aware that every other individual globally has the same opportunities and environment to pursue the contributions of their choice.

Inventors and prodigies of the past accessed sufficient knowledge resources and found sufficient time to accept the challenge of solving world problems. The pitfall today is that we are waiting for similar rare individuals to solve our problems while we, each of us, are potentially those rare individuals waiting for proper education, resources and support so that we can become best capable to confront every global challenge. Citizens are frequently declined opportunities to gain sufficient knowledge proficiency and access to advanced technical resources. Therefore, we cannot rise to meet future global demands for resources and technological expansion at a sufficient rate.

Our global pattern is to awake, work for financial compensation, go home tired, plan to pay the mortgage, rent, taxes, insurance, gas, education and find time for planning the future. Then, awake and repeat this pattern without any known realistic plans by mass civilization or self to evolve beyond this cycle. Each vote for this lifestyle is also a vote against accelerating individual human intelligence and education levels to find cures for the most dreaded diseases of our era. Each vote for this lifestyle is also a vote against empowering individuals to contribute to world solutions according to their interests and aptitudes.

There is a lack of free access by all humans to advance skills and knowledge in the areas of personal choice. This prevents individuals from influencing their own competency and aptitude levels.

Global Illnesses Identified:

Each global illness also identifies a major obstacle to human potential. Each time we confront news of crime, either locally or abroad, we become concerned and perhaps compassionate and fearful about our own safety. As we can probably do nothing directly to produce positive change, we wonder about our own fate. Excessive focus on such distressing truths stagnate creative thinkers who would normally prosper.

Each global illness also identifies a major obstacle to human potential. Each human who is denied full access to the education of their choice up to and including the doctoral level is a human at risk for not reaching the highest potential for global contribution. This is because the unavailability of prerequisite knowledge support diminishes potential to follow ones highest ideals. For each individual denied full education access, our total global contribution capacity is diminished.

Each global illness also identifies a major obstacle to human potential. Each human being denied full access to food, water and shelter is a human who will probably not reach highest potentials for global contribution. This is because that individual will probably bypass the highest mental contemplations for global contribution in exchange for mandatory thoughts of survival and security. To speculate further, this individual of great potential contribution may resort to violence and other crimes to obtain those same essential needs. For each individual denied full access to basic needs, we forfeit that potential global contribution.

Each global illness also identifies a major obstacle to human potential. Each human being denied a life of global cooperation and harmony is a human being denied a life without complete individual harmony. This is true as significant portions of individual pride and self-esteem emanate from ones senses of belonging to the greater global community. With global disharmony, the individual also experiences suffering because one recognizes the connection between self and all other suffering humans. Now, we witness global horrors and discontent via our favorite news sources with subdued pain because there is nothing the individual can do to make the world “do the right thing.” For each individual denied a life of global cooperation and harmony, we forfeit that potential global contribution.

Each global illness also identifies a major obstacle to human potential. Each human being denied a global cooperative model lifestyle is a human being denied the benefits that come only from a supportive environment that discourages negative competition and encourages positive cooperation for all human interactions. Without such an environment, the individual must bypass the natural positive mental evolution process to address more immediate competitive priorities where some must win and some must lose. The mere awareness that others lose when we win is sufficient justification alone to retire any competitive living model. Couple this awareness with the surety to repeat this competition scenario where again some must win and some must lose and one witnesses perhaps the greatest downfall to individual human intelligence. With any competition, any individual who wins must be prepared to lose. A mild example might be a subtle loss by choosing to go without fish for dinner simply because of high cost, yet knowing that another person will win and buy the fish. For each individual denied a global cooperative model lifestyle, our total global contribution capacity is diminished.
Conditions that stagnate human mental capacity and global contribution.


Trade and Resource Disparities:

World nations compete for resources, thus creating major imbalances in wealth, security, quality of living and life opportunities for the people.

Most if not all world trade among nations are money-based which guarantees a separation between have and have-not nations where some win and some lose. It is generally unknown by most global citizens that every human on earth would have been allotted approximately 3.83 pounds, 1.74 kilograms, of food per day if all food produced was evenly shared in global cooperation among all humans in 2004. What excuse is there for global famine? Read the article and government references.

Global Preoccupations With Lesser Ideals:

There is no known strategy or globally adopted policy as part of a long-term plan and reflecting global highest ideals such that all nations win. Accordingly, nations must submit to multilateral negotiations, renegotiations and marginal or short-term resolutions that conflict with national and global interests.

The highest ideals of any civilization determine their global distribution model for survival resources, competency for conflict resolution, theory and application of justice, quality of social interactions, ability to harmonize within and among peoples, legacies passed to successive generations and consequently whether or not a civilization survives at all. The failure of all nations to commit to highest ideals for the human race leaves human civilization with gross susceptibilities to pursuits of lesser-evolving ideals and aspirations by other nations or entities. Such default pursuits are incompatible and perhaps damaging to the positive evolution of the entire human race.

Because nations are often preoccupied with managing defensive and offensive military positions, it becomes difficult to identify and address deficiencies of global highest ideals with which all nations win. Aggressors believe they win by striking their villain nation of focus. Defending nations believe that they win by denying aggressor nation strike capabilities. Such actions on either side reflect critical short-term thinking but do not address the motives for the initial aggression.
Weapons of Mass Destruction, WMD Proliferation, Global Insecurity:

Devastating weapons technology exists today without the corresponding restraints to guarantee their restricted use to legitimate global endeavors.

From 1940 to the present year, 2009, human civilization have spawned eight nations publicly known to possess nuclear weapons. That is eight nations in seven decades, which is an approximate increase of one nation per decade. Several additional nations have nuclear capable technology or knowledge, but they have signed treaty agreements to prevent proliferation.

Global expansion of WMD technologies are destined to continue under the current world model. Weapons of mass destruction controlled by individual nations create independent threat vulnerabilities from unstable governments and place all nations at potential risk. Currently, there are several nations controlling all known weapons of mass destruction, WMD.

This world management model appears permissible until an unstable nation gains the technology and threatens another entity. Currently, rogue nations justify their right to possess WMD weapons for national defense as do all other controlling nations. WMD technology historically functioned as a peaceful deterrent to WMD use. However, rogue nations and entities may not share this most conservative commitment. As global technological progress continues, it becomes inevitable that more nations will possess the capacity for WMD development at accelerating rates. Independent national control may not represent the best management model for long-term global security.

Without long-term globally adopted controls, history is bound to repeat itself by unleashing massive destructive power against the environment and against the people. Humans must never again risk genocide or worse by permitting unstable entities to obtain and control WMD. Comprehensive and enforceable global policies should exist to manage all present and future WMD technologies of any nation or entity.


Global leadership have chosen competition as their highest ideal.

Global Disparities of Quality Medical Care:

Health care quality and availability can significantly vary among nations. Major factors are high costs to retain qualified medical professionals, equipment and facilities.

Medical Costs:

The cost of medical insurance is often determined in part by age, gender, pre-existing medical conditions and statistical profile.

Humans are encouraged to decline their ideal jobs, higher salaries and preferred job locations to protect current medical coverage for themselves and their families. Humans are even forced to factor in their marital status such as being single, legally separated or divorced in qualifying for affordable medical coverage. Marital status should never be a relevant factor in administering health care for a patient. Humanity is being reminded how it has already surpassed the trust and utility of money, debt and compensation systems as means to administer medicine and as tools of future prosperity.

When any one person cannot afford to pay for needed medical procedures, there is competition to determine which side will yield to transfer their money or services to the other. It is often the case that the patient will lose this competition as the medical facility has the power to gather needed personnel, equipment and facilities to serve the patient. This is not to judge the medical facility as they truly wish to serve the patient. However, they have expenses to pay. So in the end, they must focus on the group of  patients who have ample insurance or funds to pay for their procedures. It makes sense, from a highest ideal system based on money, that those able to pay are given every available chance for treatment. It is noteworthy that medical facilities are required to provide emergency medical care regardless of ability to pay.

Cost for medical personnel and supplies inhibit progressive medical care availability for every global citizen by stagnating access for all. Some medical costs are derived from research and development, labor, supply, delivery, storage, treatment and administrative operations. Each often includes additional costs for liability insurance, risk management and other various supports. Then a predetermined profit is added based on market conditions. These factors are revealed not to judge any medical entity but to expose a sample of factors that contributes to the ending health care liability battle of a patient. Accordingly, the problem with the current system is that at least one global citizen has been and will continue to be deprived of full medical treatment when needed due to insufficient financial resources.

Drug companies strive for respectable compensation to bring much needed drugs to the global marketplace.  However, the motivation for financial compensation creates vulnerabilities to act in ways that violates their highest ideals. Some vulnerabilities include compromising scientific principles in order to skew research results and hiding or deflating knowledge of harmful drug side effects. Financial compensation does not appear to move medical companies closer to achieving and sustaining their highest ideals.

Un-promoted Alternative Treatments:

Ultimately drugs or medical procedures may be the strategy of choice. Nevertheless, patients are often uninformed regarding herbal and other alternative, holistic home treatments as initial treatments as profits would be at risk.  The industry cannot patent and profit from prescribing fruits, vegetables and herbs commonly found in nature.

Some doctors are obligated to prescribe expensive drugs as treatments to their patients, for acid reflux condition as an example. Yet there is increasing feedback by global citizens searching for relief that consuming apple cider vinegar before their meals often lessens or removes acid reflux symptoms by providing more, not less, acid needed for improved digestion. There is speculation that a culture among some doctors exist to discourage volunteering this form of information as a possible initial remedy for mild acid reflux cases while they are encouraged or perhaps obligated to prescribe only “medicine” by definition, which comes at a much higher price. How can humans someday declare their full humanity while competitive human psyche conditions similar to this continue?
(The author is not a medical doctor and advises readers to conduct their own research and to consult their doctor regarding the appropriateness of this and any other medical option.)

Financial Stress Versus
Patient Healing:

When some patients without health insurance receive treatments in hospitals, clinics, wellness locations and other medical facilities, they wonder how they will manage the enormous cost while simultaneously trying to heal their bodies.

Medical Demand Outlook:

With projected increases among aging populations, the need for qualified and caring medical professionals will continue to grow. Patient need is projected to exceed medical supply.

Global Cooperation Deficiencies:

The lack of sufficient global cooperation ensures that governments continue to negotiate, renegotiate, revisit and experiment with health care policies and philosophies substandard to global highest ideals. As a default, current health care policy attempts to manage financially rewarded, competition-based models and will not sustain the people for thousands of years.


Humanity chose to negotiate health care based on money.

Conditions Sustained:


Those stealing money sometimes commit physical violence or even murder.

Sometimes humans respond to disrespect with criminal behavior.

Many communities globally have lost the security of leaving their doors unlocked while they are away from home.

Many youth use their leisure time for destructive activities. Opportunities for self-improvement seem unlikely. Accordingly, the youth are vulnerable to violent tendencies and gang-related associations.

Intentional Activities:

Sometimes offenders falsely believe they are entitled to control others. So, crime and violence become the means for domination. Offenders harm others with different preferences, biases and conduct. Examples include racism, prejudice and conflicting ideals.

Violence is sometimes committed simply because an opportunity to prey upon a vulnerable person exists. Offenders believe that punishment can be avoided.

Sometimes crimes are for revenge. Often, the motivation is bitterness. Revenge produces extremely misguided and disproportionate retaliations. These retaliations attempt to ease emotional pains. Workplace violence, marital separations and divorce are classic examples of these retaliations.

Willful violence result from disrespect and disregard for others or for oneself. Accidental violence result from carelessness, undisciplined thinking or perhaps health imbalances requiring medical attention.

Some criminals are repeat offenders. These offenders return to incarceration to rejoin gang members. They receive free basic food, water and shelter. Prison becomes a comfort zone to receive essential survival needs. Then, their  primary goal daily becomes surviving within the inmate community.

System-Supported Conditions:

Availability of  illegal deadly weapons in society remains a significant problem.

Many prison environments do not support inmate rehabilitation or safety.

Some governments control people by inflicting mass violence upon them.

Justice systems impose extreme punishments such as death. Yet, communities desire that individual citizens avoid murdering. Entities forget that citizens are learning morality from public justice systems. Furthermore, people are applying learned justice strategies with their friends, families and others. Citizens observe death penalties from justice systems. Community leaders forget that citizens learn personal justice methods partially by observing formal justice systems.

Governments are sometimes guilty of creating laws and policies that are against the desires of the people. Additionally, compliance of those laws may be difficult. Therefore, leaders may be directly responsible for honorable people who are misclassified as criminals. Meanwhile, those same citizens perceive themselves as honorable and responsible citizens. In other words, the laws created are considered to be unjust.

There are no known global efforts to advance humankind beyond the motivations for crime and violence. These dishonorable acts are caused and continued by selfish, competitive global social models. Inappropriate resource distributions strategies  enable motivations for increasing deviant human behavior.


Undesirable social conditions nurtured by expired human management modeling.

Dysfunctional but curable psychological ills at every level of civilization.
Origin of all obstacles and of all solutions.

    Psyche – nature of mind, especially as a source for motivation.
    Dysfunction- unable to serve in an optimal manner, impaired, abnormal.

    Global Psychological Stress is Human-Caused & Human-Sustained

General Psyche Dysfunction:

The greatest social dysfunction in existence is the global prerequisite for direct compensation for performing goodwill and cooperation. “What’s in it for me?”

Psyche dysfunctions permeate within the human race among individuals and mass society, producing results ranging from mild uncertainty among individuals to destructive motives among extremist groups or governments. Individual dysfunctions and mass dysfunctions are highly correlated such that one cannot exists without the other. Generally, individual peace or dysfunction supports mass peace or dysfunction. Likewise, mass peace or dysfunction supports individual peace or dysfunction. Each dysfunction begins with a self-justified choice as a nature of mind and motivated in response to other environmental dysfunctions. Dysfunction assessment is addressed relative to what is considered to be normal or optimal. It is the position of the author that human normality among both individuals and mass civilization is best described as states of civility, harmony and cooperation. Deviations from these states represent degrees of psyche dysfunction. Below are common examples in varying degrees of psyche dysfunctions.

Many altercations and legal disputes continue because entities have lost the presumption of friendliness and cooperation among each other. Entities consistently respond to their presumed adversaries under the presumption that mutual cooperation is unachievable and undesirable. When environments are intentionally structured for competition such that some win and some lose, there can never be sustainable peace and happiness.

Government continues to invest exorbitant time and resources implementing and enforcing laws for compliance while under utilizing the capacity to minimize initial noncompliance with programs that fully support positive individual development. Essentially, current strategies emphasize control, enforcement and punishment over inclusive, cooperative personal nurturing and participation within society.

Deception and Manipulation:

Illegal drug users provide credible excuses for their financial state in order to receive donations from generous people.

Murderers and robbers approach victims in deceptive manners to gain an advantage to commit crimes.

Property sellers intentionally conceal flaws or limitations to avoid lower sales prices or lost sales. Buyers reveal artificial personal finance conditions to negotiate lower prices.

Young girls wear large clothing to conceal their pregnancies. A child hides an unauthorized treat to avoid punishment.

Some recently losing their employment may go on expensive shopping sprees to broadcast a successful image or to act as therapy to compensate for their feelings.

Officials may intentionally choose not to be formally and openly briefed on covert activities under their responsibility in order to deny involvement under oath at a future date.

The “Love” word is sometimes used in relationships to manipulate beliefs or artificially create an image of emotional commitment and security so that ones selfish desires can be accomplished. At best its deception satisfies temporary needs of one while denying the power of the truth from another.

Nations escalate WMD, weapons of mass destruction development or other aggressive acts with the predetermined objective of receiving significant political leverage, trade and other financial incentives in exchange for terminating escalation.

Executives representing companies with publicly owned stock shares announce confidence regarding the future of their companies while only days later breaking news report their downfall and reveal their intentional deception.

Individuals striving to advance and further develop or maintain their character especially in large government, corporate and political environments encounter strenuous challenges. Frequent dilemmas occur when one must choose between the path of character and the path of winning at the expense of character. These work environments tend to reward using deception and manipulation and tend to punish using truth and character as a means to excel.

Drug company advertisers may conceal potentially harmful drug side effects to protect profits.

Societies are forced to doubt claims by commercial, political and other entities before awarding credibility to their advertising and promises.

Even when we choose to globally end intentional acts of deception and manipulation, we must then concurrently begin the healing process of unintentional deceptive and manipulative thoughts that, if left unchecked, will also produce the acts we desperately want to eradicate.

Greed and Selfishness:

There is essentially one main thinking pattern from which all other forms of deception, manipulation, greed and selfishness emerge “What’s in it for me”

Why is higher education up to and including PhD and M.D. levels restricted to those having access to sufficient money systems while the entire human race could be permanently elevated with open sharing of all knowledge from at least one prominent university worldwide? This is globally unintelligent.

This logic is comparable to a massive pest extermination project where a few team members have the exact tools and ingredients to fight the infestation while the majority have marginally effective tools such as shovels and dirt, while plenty of more effective tools and ingredients were readily available. Unless tools such a shovels and dirt were deemed highly effective against the pest, it becomes unimaginable why team management would intentionally fail to provide all team members with the best tools and ingredients available to remedy their mutual objective.

One can conclude that by denying pure local and global cooperation, the human race intentionally denies full educational access to billions of its citizens, forfeiting an infinite number of sustainable global and individual advancements, in exchange for direct financial compensation to only a few. There are global psyche ills revealed by continuing strategies of this nature.

Some politicians choose not to objectively and independently vote according to their highest beliefs because of external hidden or unhidden financial incentives offered.

Upon an assurance that sufficient resources will be available, some entities will often seek more than required to gain an advantage over other entities.

With a perceived opportunity to succeed, some entities will choose to cheat to gain advantage. This mentality is often nurtured at early development ages when one becomes desperate to win a game or other competition against a more experienced opponent. It is during these critical moments when character is shaped and reshaped. The motive is the preservation or advancement of perceived self-esteem. If upon completing the act of cheating, one realizes that the reward is less than expected, that may represent a progressive awareness point where one realizes that the act of cheating produces artificial esteem and is therefore empty of true substance. The mere understanding of ones true underlying motives can be sufficient cause to choose the noble path. Accordingly, greater training in self awareness at the earliest possible age is encouraged. However, significant obstacles include the absence of self aware parents or other role models in the life of a child. As one matures, deception can evolve from the need to protect ones employment or formal status of personal relationships. When allowed to grow, cheating and selfishness continues in ones life to impact self, family, friends, communities, nations and humanity. We should not be shocked when high level government officials or other executives cheat when we as a race have exercised no globally adopted highest ideal, plan, mandate, initiative or formal public commitment of any kind against it.

Some leaders of nations choose to maximize military power and influence while their own people unnecessarily suffer from starvation and disease. Moreover, the oppressed people are often intentionally denied open access to global media information resources. In essence, leadership detaches the people from the external world and disseminates its own very limited version of reality and resources. These selfish strategies continue, even while global entities offer such deprived nations increased trade and prosperity in exchange for humane treatment of its people. These conditions will continue as leaders remain committed to selfish thinking such that the needs of the few must supersede the needs of the many.

Obviously the above list represents a very small subset of how greed, selfishness, manipulation and deception are practiced in the human race. It is not intended to judge any entity but to reveal varied and most predictable responses to our civilization-created competition systems, money being the most influential. Each example and every possible form of greed, selfishness, manipulation and deception should be deemed unnecessary and counterproductive to human advancement.

Resource Distribution Modeling:

Suppose that all foods were evenly distributed globally among all citizens with the government request that any excess be voluntarily declined for redistribution, even though a full share is the entitlement. Some will cooperate and donate excesses for global benefit, some will receive every entitlement out of insecurity regarding future food supplies, some will strategically receive every entitlement for the purpose of personal gain opportunities and some will organize to illegally transfer additional foods or food entitlements to themselves for large-scale profit and influence. These are samples of global psyche issues to be addressed.

Even if money served as a voucher system where everyone was provided with their fair share, there would always be those who would seek to obtain an excess share, legally or illegally. Accordingly, basic needs should be fairly distributed based on need or equality without money intervention. Money will not provide prosperity to some people without a corresponding deficiency to others.

Political Repetition and Stagnation:

Nations with opposing political representations benefit from opposing views. However, when leadership fails to address problems at their root cause, such oppositions tend to provide policies with neutralization or equalization effects over several years or terms of influence. As current policies serve their constituencies for short-term periods, such policies and acts rarely solve the problems as defined in their root forms.

Because the root problems are not solved, the same issues must resurface in time when entities believe they are rearmed with enough support to reverse current policy. These alternating patterns of support and opposition often represent long-term advancement stagnation and continues for decades, centuries or longer until leadership finally commits to dissolve the problems at their root causes.

Successful eradications will be evident when there are no further motives or needs for problem revisits, as fundamental commitments achieved produce permanent conditions such that all citizens win. Additionally, eradications will be evident when all constituencies can afford the option of addressing related issues of lesser concern.

Legal Representation and Justice:

Humans continue to administer justice based on the quality of legal representation one can afford. For thousands of years, human societies have been unwillingly subjected to financially imbalanced yet legal proceedings that render punishments as severe as death. How does a society and those wrongfully convicted resolve that death sentencing could have been avoided had there been defense representation as equally competent and resourced as the prosecuting entity? Our civilization continues to falsely presume that competent professionals and skilled labor will never perform their tasks in the absence of money or other competitive compensation.

Furthermore, many prison social environments reinforce the same conditions and values leading to incarceration. Gangs members outside prison regroup for gang activity inside prison. Relaxed inmate safety conditions permit murder among other crimes, yet society wishes for inmate rehabilitation after time served.

Nonviolent inmates must choose to either learn to inflict physical harm in defense, give in to violent perpetrator demands and activities or suffer victimization as extreme as murder. In effect, prisons serve to separate criminals from regular society for safety and justice concerns, yet there are often inappropriate separations within prisons to accomplish the same safety and justice concerns for inmates.

Outdated Job Management Philosophy:

Jobs are perceived by individuals as a means to support a standard of living for self and family. Some individuals truly enjoy their job, but many individuals perform work far below their skill levels and far different from their personal interests.

A large number of workers would probably choose a different job if they had their ideal choice. Additionally, there must be plenty of human pairs worldwide who would willingly exchange their jobs for mutual job satisfaction. Although some workplaces allow such exchanges, the human race vastly overlooks the full possibilities regarding job exchanges and placements globally. A consequence is that workers continue to spend significant hours a day performing work that is uninspiring and without personal commitment. Then there is the extra blow to our psyche to know that there exist others locally and worldwide who would be very happy to have those exact jobs.

The alternate side of this issue is that current government decision-making strategy values the greatest number of jobs created as a positive component: the more jobs created, the better. Under our current operating model, this job count metric is considered valuable as it encourages the greatest number of workers to earn incomes, to qualify for employee benefits and to contribute to government tax systems. The challenge is the emerging 21st century global value system that necessarily insist that all global citizens be respected with sufficient essential resources and opportunities. Any system that encourages competition for resources such that some win and some lose is automatically classified as unable to sustain human advancement and will be quietly or publicly labeled accordingly. Desires for higher global standards are emerging.

Other Psyche Dysfunctions:

Citizens reside in their private homes while fearing property losses due to vandalism, arson and theft. Crimes motivated by the need for money have ended in murder. These crimes would be of far less concern with healthy psyche conditions among all citizens. Likewise, healthy psyche conditions will exist only with strong nurturing systems at individual, family, community and government levels.

Humans who are visually disabled or disfigured by genetics or life traumas are often avoided or even isolated by general society. The human species continue to pursue or avoid potentially significant relations based exclusively on visual appearances and physical attributes.  Humans are currently conditioned to evaluate experiences and needs strongly based on visual stimuli and not true worth, value and potential.

Travelers must always exercise awareness of other citizens in their vicinity to avoid dangerous altercations. Even this condition would be significantly reduced or perhaps someday unnecessary with a global commitment to psyche development at every level of society.

Some citizens are raised or otherwise exposed to environments that produce emotional numbness. This numbness may be caused by an inability to cope with sustained traumatic personal experiences or extensive anti-humanity indoctrination by harmful entities. Such existences have the capacity to solidify into total lack of regard for human life with little or no emotional attachment or sense of responsibility to humans and humanity. Accordingly, such individuals are prone to future acts of violence or terror to advance their causes or to provide some self-perceived meaning to their lives.

Some possess dysfunctional psyche conditions and choose to inflict harm upon others due to lack of sufficient positive attention. If positive recognition is unavailable, then negative recognition will suffice.

Perhaps one of the greatest obstacles to the global human psyche is the false assumption that existing global operating models must continue in the future. Money systems continue under the assumption that it will provide future prosperity, that it must continue as the primary method of global exchange while it will never enable every citizen to achieve sustained prosperity.

Phrases such as “in the 21st century” will continue to arise from our global disappointment due to vast disparities between expected and actual human cooperation levels achieved. Words such as global, sustainable, viable, cooperation and collaboration will continue to emanate from news media and leadership entities worldwide as further evidence that humanity is ready to retire short-term, selfish thinking in exchange for meaningful, long-term philosophies such that all humans win.

Misdirected, undisciplined, undiscovered, unsolicited minds.

Dysfunctional but curable psychological ills at every level of civilization.

Origin of all obstacles and of all solutions.



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