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Philosophy and Ideology:

Our ideals and actions should reflect the reality that we seek. If one of our future global missions would be to populate our moon and other planets, will we model the new civilizations based on the current competition-driven model or a cooperation-driven model? Will our descendants succumb to all the pain and stagnated growth that we experience today?

Upon being observed and evaluated by peaceful and goodwill alien races, will they be anxious to make formal contact and possible alliances, or will they determine that we do not care for our own people sufficiently enough in comparison to our technological advancements achieved? Because we possess no logic to justify evolving beyond our sense of territorial dominion on earth, will our future space communities become simple extensions of the competitive values and conditions of this era? Will our current actions, as evidence of our values, strongly defend and reinforce our claimed commitment to the human race and to other universal communities encountered in the future?

All advancements become possible by honoring global highest ideals worthy of consideration. All highest ideals enhance the odds of human survival and conditions of humanity.

Shifts in Mindsets and Activities:
There is a saying that to get a different result, do something different. In other words, to get a different future, different actions are required now. As our civilization continues with problems of every kind, we continue to practice the same thoughts and activities that lead to those same problems. An independent observer would conclude that we as human beings are blocking our own way. We know what kind of world we wish to have and the high stakes at risk for inaction, yet we lack sufficient cooperation within and among all nations to fulfill our mutual global needs.

World progression and availability in areas such as hunger, medical care and education are within reach. Yet, they remain severely unrealized. Unfortunately, our race may succumb by default to some of the worse global conditions imaginable before those in positions of possible influence realize the real threat to our civilization.

The threat is generally not the people but the unnecessary competitive institutions and living models within which people are forced to negotiate globally. Institutions of global leadership or influence must realize that time is far overdue for all nations to come together to rethink the root causes of our mutual problems and to commit to mutual highest ideals for long-term, sustainable solutions. The time has come to subordinate limiting activities to elevate modern ideals that we believe must work, ideals worthy of our faith. It is time to commit to those common ideals containing no conflicts among each other. The only possible ideal conflicts would be those sustained by outdated ideals and not living up to our highest ideals.

Future of Education and Training:
The education of all interested in their chosen specialty area represents the high ideal that ultimately we the people can and will solve the world problems and ensure our positive evolution as a race.

Future of Energy Resources:
In order to develop energy sources even more efficient and environmentally cleaner than current nuclear implementations and transportation technologies far more advanced than available today, we must unleash the sum accumulation of our global human intelligence.

Leap of Mankind:
For humanity to progressively evolve, these proposals must eventually become reality to a large degree. Only then can the human race advance above stagnation and decline to witness and experience the next evolutionary stage. As magnificent of a feat, accomplishment of these global proposals are only steps in comparison in our journey towards approaching full human capacity.

Daily Observations and Critique:
As global, community and individual events transpire daily, you are highly encouraged to compare the outcomes of these daily events and the expected outcomes under the proposals listed here. You may realize that most beneficial outcomes would be superior and most detrimental outcomes would be diminished or nonexistent under the cooperative models presented.

A world with highest ideals and activities morally endorsed by our young children will honor our efforts.

Personal Perspectives:
Yes, continue your daily patterns to fulfill your responsibilities to your loved ones. Meanwhile, do review and absorb the concepts presented on each topic page. Share ideas among those who care about our global future. Debate the issues. Speculate regarding the future possibilities and obstacles we must overcome. Contemplate what could be done today to further the process toward true cooperative global living.

Always remember as an underlying thought that the global problems we witness daily are not only unnecessary but also sustained by humans and caused by continued global patterns of obsolete thinking that under-utilizes our human intelligence. As you study this work, you will understand with greater clarity that we have full capacity to evolve beyond the major worries and limitations of this era. What you do with this new vision and how it may alter your perceptions regarding human potential rest entirely in your mind.

Our highest ideals nurture the greatest existence conceivable and achievable by the human race.

The principles of a common global vision.

Every global advancement vision, ideal and policy should incorporate every global citizen.

Global and local volunteerism should be the productivity model of choice for all humans in every work endeavor. It is the only model that reinforces the positive psyche conditions desired for all global citizens in the present and in the future.

Every essential resource should be distributed or otherwise allocated based on need or equality.

Every theory, knowledge fact, educational resource, skill and learning opportunity available to any one human should be made freely available and shared with every human.

Comprehensive health care should be freely provided to every global citizen without compensation, trade, debt or qualification.

Money, currency and debt distract from true sustainable solutions, waste human brain allocation, do not support future human advancement and should be beneficially uncoupled and retired from the human experience.

Priorities for technology development should be to eradicate human social stagnation and deterioration conditions.

The natural state (homeostasis) of the human race is not war, crime and violence but global civility, peace, cooperation and collaboration.

Human rights should be endowed to every global citizen and are globally advocated and enforced without regard to native citizenship, political control, current geography, gender, age, ethnicity or capacity.

The intelligence, capacity, contribution or value of any global citizen should never be underestimated or under sought.

Our vision begins with you.


Unfulfilled Repetition:
Global citizens in modernized environments mostly repeat routines of awakening, working for financial compensation, going home tired, planning to pay the mortgage, rent, taxes, insurance, gas and education. Then find time to plan the future, awakening and repeating this pattern without any known realistic plans by civilization or self to evolve beyond this cycle.

Signs of Misdirected Global Ideals:
Fight and conquer attitudes, threats of war within and among nations.
Financial deficiencies resulting in broken individuals, families, communities and nations.
Requirement to consider the financial impact in practically every human endeavor.
Pursuit of money management outranks the pursuit of human management. This is a major example of how our race shows its under-utilization of human intelligence.
Global and local competition for resources.
Low confidence for marital commitments and other personal relations.
Large percentage of world population separated by language and cultural barriers.
Unequal opportunities for education and advancement.
Major imbalance between technological and humanitarian commitments.

Substandard Global Commitments to Fellow Humans:
Upon recognition that essential needs, even in our modern era, are still inaccessible to many humans globally, an observer must conclude that the system that manages and provides those needs is in need of review.

Quality and quantity of food, water, shelter, medical care and education are still in disproportion among nations and individuals based primarily on the amount of money and resources possessed. Based on our 21st century technologies available, any modern system that cannot provide the essential needs for prosperity to every human citizen worldwide deserves review for reclassification as needing repair or replacement.

Current Direction Of Future Highest Ideals:
To the extent that the prerequisite global cooperation among all nations is unlikely, the future most envisioned by the human race remains equally unlikely until a positive fundamental shift in global thinking is activated.

Inferior visions and ideals yielding inferior conditions.

Proclamation for World Cooperation and Advancement:

Introduction:  Leaders, ambassadors and other representatives from every nation proudly gather today to witness formal commitments of all governments that will further solidify the human race on its path for humanitarian, philosophical and technological advancements. It is no mistake that among the three advancements noted, humanitarian is first. Accordingly, we acknowledge our priority to care for each global citizen as a critical prerequisite in order to receive the philosophical and technological advancement benefits in return. This proclamation establishes the future direction of the human race according to the global highest ideals adopted by all nations and with valuable contributions from entities and individuals from every nation. The most respected minds and institutions in the sciences of sociology, psychology, public policy, economics and philosophy offer their endorsements of this plan as a path to deliver real positive evolution for individual citizens and the human race.

Global Highest Ideals:

Because nations pursued different goals based on sets of conflicting highest ideals for guidance, lesser-evolving ideals and aspirations by other nations or individuals existed. As a result, a global committee contemplated common highest ideals with significant contributions from entities and individuals from every nation. The global highest ideals adopted by all nations established a mutual course to steer for the human race. Resulting from those agreed upon philosophies, the following proposals have been adopted:

Free Global Education:

With the latest announcement from a leading university regarding their most generous and visionary efforts, mankind now have an ever increasing and sustainable repository of training and learning resources – now referred to as the Global Education and Training Videos Project (G.E.T.V.P.). Lectures in every discipline up to and including the doctorate level are now preserved. These lectures are available to everyone worldwide at no cost primarily via the internet. Anyone globally can download these videos and immediately learn topics in the academic and trade fields of their choice.  If desired, anyone can acquire the knowledge enabling one to demonstrate competency via an exam for formal credit. Theoretically, one could proceed in this manner to obtain several doctorate degrees. This project demonstrates the new commitment and direction for human progress. Other universities worldwide are following this model, looking beyond their profit objectives to advance the human race. The G.E.T.V.P. project significantly increases the capacity for human advancement and earns the lead university a special place in our history and our deepest gratitude.

Money Eradication:

Upon extensive analysis of global, national, community and individual problems that continue throughout our existence, we have concluded that practically every problem or obstacle facing us is in some way rooted in thinking patterns and decision-making emanating from detrimental competitive environments created by the human race where some individuals receive essential resources and opportunities while some do not. We navigate through life as we compete among and within entities for resources and other needs. The most influential factor contributing to these thinking patterns is the pursuit of money or compensation. Therefore, the institution of money, currency and all related compensation endeavors will be formally retired from our civilization. After a certain date to be determined and announced, no form of money or compensation will be used for any transaction among the human race.

Free Global Health Care:

In harmony with retiring all money systems from our civilization and enabling every global citizen to achieve any skill and academic proficiency level at zero cost, those choosing to follow their true hearts into the medical profession shall assume the medical responsibilities of their communities on a volunteer basis. With the strong inflow of competent personnel over time, it may be possible to actually lower the number of working hours for each volunteer.

Individual Pursuits:

In order to successfully eradicate money and implement free global health and medical care, it has been determined that essential needs of food, water and shelter will be at zero cost within every community. With every essential need provided or made available to every individual worldwide by community efforts and global cooperatives, everyone can gain competencies in the fields of their hearts desire to contribute knowledge, skills and time to advance self and human civilization. It has been determined that prosperity far beyond our current global existence will occur as individuals choose and pursue their personal areas of contribution without regard to financial compensation and competition considerations. We have finally removed foreseeable obstacles to prosperity for you, for your children and for every future generation. Now it is up to you, global citizens, to advance humanity according to your special insights and proficiencies and to use all knowledge gained to participate within community and global collaborations to solve every global problem of our time.

Global Cooperation:

Consistent with the volunteer, zero cost initiatives, everyone now becomes a part of a global transformation where all communities will function in an approximately similar cooperative and volunteer-driven manner. All nations have agreed that our future prosperity and survival depend on our ability to cooperate among each other such that no nation loses and all nations win. If we prosper, then we prosper together. If we suffer, then we suffer together. Accordingly, each nation now has an interest in the success of every other nation. Significant cooperative agreements are now active such as agreeable global resource distribution models, global emergency responses, global weapons of mass destruction policies and planetary defense.


Years of exploration, countless meetings and collaborations, healthy debate and intensive modeling of world scenarios were necessary to agree upon a final proposal worthy of endorsement by all nations. This historic proclamation expresses interrelated ideals and ideas reflecting one comprehensive and harmonious commitment – the advancement of the individual and the entire human race.

International Psyche Shift Components:
Shift from the old competitive thinking “what’s in it for me?” model to a new global cooperative thinking “what’s in it for all civilization?” model.
Always honor the capacity of every individual to contribute to our positive evolution as a species.
Commit to transition from a competition-driven model to a cooperation-driven model of values and activities, guiding all domestic and foreign interactions among all nations, governments, institutions, communities and individuals. This includes the open sharing of human, material and knowledge resources at zero cost.
Adopt a global philosophy where competition is beneficial only if the ending products, services and knowledge produced are freely shared among all global citizens as needed on a non-competitive basis.
Establish priorities for the identification, measurement and retirement of obstacles to global and individual advancements.
Commit to technologies and ideas that improve and optimize the quantity and quality of food, water, shelter, medical care, education, communications and mental development among every citizen globally.
Establish a global policy and structure for legitimate control and use of current and future weapons of mass destruction.
Recognize the global highest ideals as the primary guide for all policy and activities.

The future of the human race if it finally embraces the wisdom and the courage to follow its highest ideals.

Global Highest Ideals

Highest Ideals Issues

Global Policy Proclamation

Highest Ideals Vision

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