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Environment Challenges


The Challenges

Systemic Profit Motives:

The main obstacle to realizing critical technologies to support the future social needs of the human race is still the mentality of “What’s in it for me?” The current era rewards advancing technologies and ideas for profit. While successfully implementing any of the proposals in the current era will produce respectable profits, the primary motive should be to implement them in preparation for facilitating permanent global transformations from competition to pure cooperation.

Contemplations of future technologies are frequently focused or otherwise misdirected toward profit and monetized objectives. Shift focus to optimize human advancement within a non-monetized and non-compensation social structure. This is the only policy that will be eventually applauded such that all global citizens win.

Less Capable Global Citizens:
Humanity acquired a vast and ever increasing body of knowledge in sciences and technologies, yet only a limited global few have full access to it. It is partially taught in universities to those capable of paying with money or debt.  It is partially transferred from parent to child. In the modern era, it is partially available via the internet as text, audio or video.

The modern proposed strategy to maximize global access and transfer of this knowledge is from totally free, real-time or prerecorded video lectures and training broadcasts from the internet. In this regard, the G E T V P  Free Global Education proposal will close the global education gap to advance world education and qualification levels to meet future demands. Global education capacity must not be overlooked as a critical component of  sustained technology advancement in the future.

Coveting Technology and Social Stagnation:
One of the greatest obstacles to shared human technological advancement is when governments or other entities deny advanced scientific knowledge and technologies from the global community. This practice debilitates human advancement in many areas. Obvious ramifications are unrealized energy and transportation technologies to benefit mankind in the current era.

There are numerous advanced projects known only to a relative few in comparison to the global population they represent and serve. These relative few decide when and if projects and knowledge are declassified and released for public dissemination and consideration. The relevant question is whether or not the benefits of coveting by entities outweigh the global benefits of releasing advancement data for the potential benefit of all global citizens. Know that entities often make decisions based on their restricted realm of primary responsibility and perhaps without responsible and thoughtful consideration or advisement from global representation.

One argument in support of coveting technologies is the security of nations. Current world competition models encourage and require secrecy, deception, division and coveting efforts to seek the advantage. These efforts may have some merit while playing certain friendly games during spare time among friends. But these same efforts continue to solidify divisions among the human race in the current competitive world model where some must win and some must lose. National security obstacles can be removed to the extent that relevant governments and global entities replace competitive models and ideals with cooperative models and ideals. In essence, all nations and all peoples worldwide must think and work to achieve the same global objectives, principles and highest ideals for all of the human race while respecting specific cultural and other internal interests not conflicting with global highest ideals. In doing so, competition is discouraged and cooperation is encouraged. Therefore, security issues would eventually be limited to rare occurrences. Removing common national security vulnerabilities will enable historically coveting governments and entities to shift towards rapid release of advanced technologies and knowledge for the benefit of the global population.

Among free nations, individuals enjoy the freedom to pursue all knowledge, in theory. But relevant knowledge-coveting entities will neither assist truth-seeking individuals nor publicly and formally confirm evidences or speculations regarding classified  programs. In this regard, truth-seeking individuals and other global citizens they support are denied access to global advancement knowledge opportunities by relevant entities and may represent a legal and currently acceptable form of oppression against the advancement of humanity, sharing of technologies, human intelligence and global progress with security as the justification.

One can speculate of the many employees who swear to protect secret programs that, if released, would dramatically alter the human experience and perception for better or worse. They go home unable to share the details of their day to loved ones. They may bear the burdens only to those with sufficient clearance and need-to-know in the performance of their duties. The loved ones of loyal workers are also affected by the burden of secrecy. Secrecy will always be deemed necessary while humans continue the current global competitive model. Secrecy would, however, be less necessary when mankind acquires the wisdom to choose the pure cooperative operating model.

One can argue that a standing governing policy of denying advanced scientific knowledge and technologies from the global community may debilitate mankind such that it may be classified as relative oppression of mankind, as global citizens are often unaware of coveted programs that could have significant civilian advancement applications. Of course, applicable governments expect to benefit from their classified, coveted projects. Coveting knowledge can often preempt the expansion of broadly shared energy, transportation and communication technologies to name only a few. Citizens of all ages worldwide are denied new interest in advanced sciences primarily due to ignorance of the possibilities. Although independently sufficient to justify replacing coveting policies with full global cooperation, such denials or stagnations of social technologies are small components of the total price humans pay to continue coveting policies and beliefs in order to achieve and sustain advantages within world competition models.

Technology Commercialization Versus Free Access:
One recent and free access technology that changed the world is the internet. It would be undesirable and unimaginable for human civilization to interact without open internet access available to the public at zero cost. Because of the sustainable global benefits, every effort should be made to advance new technologies on a zero cost basis.

Even after end products are purchased, often owners must pay extra for access to associated repair and technical manuals. This statement assumes that such references are made available to the public at all. In the current era, for example, automotive repair manuals range from about $15 for a basic level reference up to in excess of $1,000 for a full factory level reference, all to advance profits. This discourages many do-it-yourself repairs and encourages regular dependencies on commercial repair facilities for a fee. Because of the lack of free access to this knowledge, there will continue to be less residential global citizens capable of assisting others with automotive-related diagnostic and repair needs. This strategy continues to sprout global citizens who are less capable and less secure in their aptitudes for mechanical understanding and for repairing their own vehicles. Simply put, these strategies produce global citizens who are less capable and less secure. This policy example reinforces how the human race has lost its way in discerning what is in their best long-term, global advancement interests.

Choosing Competition Versus Cooperation:
Humanity must shift from competition to cooperation for open knowledge sharing and every other endeavor. Making all technological references freely available via the internet is an initial step towards a globally intelligent sharing policy.

Sluggish social technological progression due to global unwillingness to share human knowledge at zero cost.

General Obstacles:

With the work for payment and compensation model replaced with a pure cooperative volunteer model, their would no longer be a means for controlling entities to ensure that you sacrifice your morals and dignity to acquire money and essential resources for you and your loved ones.

When money and other compensations are removed from human consideration, the human race will rapidly comprehend our excess global capacities of food, land, medical expertise, knowledge and physical resources. It is this realization that requires global respect. Share and prosper or compete and expire.

Decisions regarding consumer supply and demand for goods and services should not come from governments but from individuals and communities. Governments will serve as facilitators among nations to break down barriers to trade and global cooperation.
will have the ultimate responsibility to settle trade-related discrepancies. So, to be clear, this proposal is not a pure social plan where governments distribute resources, but it is a people plan where individuals and communities manage supply and demand for specific goods and services, having all survival goods and services as a minimum base and having government for information gathering assistance and other support as needed.

Current Economic Thought:
Some theorists will reintroduce experiences in our history of declining conditions when resource distributions are controlled by non-financial market models. Such assumptions are essentially void under this cooperative operating model as governments set cooperative environments while communities, collaboration groups and individuals deliver results from increased cooperation and ingenuity.

Historically, to operate within competitive resource environments, countries considered vast financial costs for resources, personnel, administrative expenses and long-term financial maintenance. Coupled with the restriction that other countries were not active participants and beneficiaries from similar plans, what remained, at best, was a country with a financially unsupported, long-term dream destined for short-term sustenance.

Assumptions under those competitive models expire as replacing global money systems with global cooperation simultaneously alters and approximately equalizes every related concern such as the distribution of food, housing, education and health care. By removing money and compensation from all considerations, the cooperative model becomes a vigorous model for optimism and productivity. It removes artificial barriers of cost and budgets. It removes useless daily focus and worry regarding sufficient funds for any future endeavor.

Lingering Justifications for Money:
Entities will continue strong support for global money systems as the proven means to redistribute resources among the largest proportion of global human beings. Money does facilitate distribution of wealth and resources among those who can successfully participate within the system.

The fault with this philosophy is that the same money system punishes the remaining proportion of global citizens who are deprived of the opportunity exchange within it due to limitations of geography, technology, skills in current demand or available resources to exchange. Further, money reinforces false psyche conditions worldwide that permit superiority beliefs from excesses and inferiority beliefs from deficiencies.

Some will insist that the current money system is superior for creating and  distributing global wealth. Even if true, this benefit cannot serve the next evolutionary progress era requirement to adapt and thrive without systems and institutions that cause entities to compete for survival resources. While sustaining a competitive global money system, perhaps the most relevant detriment is that humans are aware that the system is not designed to accommodate every global citizen. At least one citizen will be omitted and will suffer as a direct result of it. In fact, billions worldwide are currently deprived of the minimum poverty level resources every year. The mere awareness of and participation in the system subdue the human psyche and evolutionary advancement.

The best evidence revealing that humans are ready to truly cooperate is to compare and contrast typical military versus civilian lifestyles and benefits. Military service members tend to receive zero cost food, water, shelter, health and medical care, job training and perhaps off-duty education in a non-competitive manner.

Many countries further extend additional benefits to family members. Yet most civilian lifestyles are totally opposite to military lifestyles, as civilians must directly or indirectly compete with each other for those same resources such that some civilians win and some civilians lose. Those truly interested in individual and global advancement are invited to contemplate the cumulative advancements the human race sacrifices by intentionally denying quality resources, opportunities and overall security from a large proportion of global citizens while well established, proven cooperative models exist. Dwell deeply on this dilemma as true global advancement pathways are revealed here.

Education and Training Prerequisite:
Global education advancements must be a prerequisite to produce the abundance and exchange of skilled personnel required locally. Please review the G.E.T.V.P. free global education proposal.

A collaboration group may be stuck on a critical development phase of their mission, and this random browser immediately submits an internet communication idea that allows the collaborating groups to advance to their next phase. Of course, the collaboration group would clearly identify the contributor and fully disclose all contributions provided. These documented activities create global achievement records of a kind and are immediately available worldwide. The free global G.E.T.V.P.  videos project will sustain individual opportunities to pursue any and all knowledge available. In fact, global collaboration groups will assist to expand the same G.E.T.V.P. knowledge resources that shaped their own capacity for contribution. Individual ambition is addressed through local and global collaboration groups.

Survival Instincts and Protectionism:
An obvious obstacle is the strong desire for self-preservation while contemplating the ideas of retiring money from our civilization, using volunteers for all basic services and receiving need-based or equal distribution of basic resources. With the continuous infusion of skilled workers trained in their personal areas of interests, the online G.E.T.V.P. project will provide a steady growth of knowledge resources to meet the demand for every skill required worldwide.

Any foreseeable shortage of skills is managed primarily by individuals choosing to acquire the necessary knowledge. Those  trained in medicine volunteer to keep us healthy. Those trained in security volunteer to keep our communities safe. Those trained in agriculture sciences volunteer to manage our crop growth. Those trained in architecture and surveys volunteer to envision and design the structures for our communities. Those trained in construction volunteer to build and rebuild the homes and structures we need. Those trained in material management volunteer to coordinate and stock warehouses with required materials. Those trained in acquisitions and trade volunteer to coordinate donating surplus items and procuring items in local demand. Those currently unskilled or having skills in low demand within the community may volunteer in other areas of need, learn skills of interest using the G.E.T.V.P. project and under qualified supervision or relocate to where current skills are in demand. In general, individuals will ensure the success of communities by serving in their contribution areas of interest and proficiency.

One strategy to preempt unacceptable levels of insecurity during initial implementation periods would be to slowly phase in programs until global citizens verify that minimum needs and services are readily available. Global cooperatives would coordinate to ensure that all communities and their respective citizens have reliable access to free quality food and water, regardless of current income and local resources available. As each community member realizes that stable pathways for food and water has been achieved without money or compensation, then greater confidence will be earned towards subsequent implementation phases.

With this successful minimum accomplishment, skilled emergency and other essential personnel will begin to contemplate whether they can currently afford to volunteer their time and specialized skills to the public. With further solidification of zero cost food and water support systems worldwide, global and local planners can begin to similarly incorporate increasing levels of medical and educational services towards zero cost. These additional volunteer structures will be possible as relevant individuals realize that they have less or no need for incomes to acquire those essential foods, water and services previously acquired for a mandatory fee. Each successive area of advancement facilitates the decision to shift from money, competition-based exchanges towards totally free cooperation-based exchanges.

All resources and decision models exists to serve all humankind. Under the pure cooperative model, the people, not private institutions nor governments, shall retain ultimate control of all resources. Entities chosen by the people to manage specific resources exist only to serve the people. Otherwise, those resource managers have no useful reason to retain their volunteer positions and will be replaced by the people without delay.

Managing Job Security and the Global Economy:
Notice that many communities abundant with sunlight availability fail to rapidly shift from municipal power systems to residential-level solar power panel systems. Why do cities delay or decline to encourage their residents to quickly install these solar power panel systems, thus reducing demand on the local municipalities? It is due to the loss of jobs and revenues. This is only one obvious example of how humans are responsible for their own decline by continuing competitive monetary policies.

Each time a manager, policy maker, legislator or other decision maker chooses to decline or delay a superior project due to the estimated number of jobs to be lost, then you have witnessed a primary means of how humans limit their own progress. Under the current system, decision makers must consider the negative economic impact from jobs lost. This is a major consideration as a community could gain from new technologies but simultaneously lose jobs from current, older technologies and management systems.  Families would be harmed and economic output and sales could be in jeopardy. However, by replacing money and every other competitive form of exchange with noncompetitive cooperation, humans will “profit” with uninhibited, smart policy shifts that serve the people while  increasing individual security of receiving all basic necessities without considering their personal job form or even job availability.

The essential issue is how the human race will function without money exchange. Most other issues will manage themselves. Because of the global G.E.T.V.P. project, essentially every job globally would be by volunteer and filled by those trained in their chosen fields. Individuals will finally be able to receive all specialized training desired and to contribute in the fields of their choice, fulfilling their dreams of doing what they would willingly choose to do for free if the proper conditions permitted. Accordingly, significant individual advancements in educational and skill levels worldwide will fuel the global volunteer workforce as all other basic needs will no longer be a concern.

Our economy will tend to be expressed not in terms of financial jargon but of skill, productivity, capacity and the corresponding global technological, philosophical and human advancements. Financial budgets, debts, inflation, paydays, refunds, amortization schedules, currency conversions, etc. will no longer inhibit plans or discussions.

Individual Destiny Fulfillment:
A major concern would be the ability of individuals to control their futures. How can an energetic and ambitious individual prosper in an environment where resources are broadly managed? Efficient local and global proposal and collaboration systems will permit any individual to create or assist in any endeavored project. The internet has activated opportunities for immediate open collaborations of citizens to vary or limit by academic accomplishment, experience, vision, geography or interest. The real power of these collaborations may not be in their existence but their open availability for all to review such that a random browser of global collaboration groups could freely stumble upon an active group.

There is an undeniable benefit and necessity for individuals to have considerable independence and destiny control. Accordingly, governments or responsible entities must not unnecessarily hinder the flow of resources for routine consumption and research. There must be protocols and automatic responses to maintain balance. Extensive contemplation is required to globally negotiate, develop, adopt and optimize resource distribution and contingency planning models.

Poor Information Dissemination:
Some may lack full understanding of the transition and the long-term vision. Therefore, they would rather not risk losing the old system.

Insecure feelings during the transition period may occur as money dependency is replaced with the trust that vital resources will be readily available when needed.

Large currency holders may be unprepared for the loss of value and use of the paper bills and coins. They must be given time to exchange their currency for goods and services.

The goal must be to provide essential resources primarily to all global citizens and subsequently to provide additional resources to collaboration groups and individuals for research and development of beneficial special projects. Future human advancements will come from molding collaborative and individual ideas to reality, and proper resources will support these projects.

To complement these objectives, our goals must include continued acceleration of new technologies to advance human civilization. Emphasis should be placed on technologies that identify, locate, produce, multiply, extract, preserve and facilitate individual availability and absorption of essential food nutrients, medicines and quality air. An abundance of these resources minimizes negative public responses from critical need deficiencies, minimizes frequent government and local leadership intervention and enables the people to approach daily life in optimum health while supporting a cooperative mentality.

While on the path to global peace and cooperation, some entities will wrongly initiate war conflict while insisting on receiving essential resources according to the global distribution model. Therefore, global distribution models must be flexible and robust enough to provide for those who would innocently suffer from such actions if global leadership must engage specific aggressor entities. Furthermore, the ultimate goal to respectfully unite all humans must be at the forefront when managing all human controversies.

Money Eradication Obstacle: Goods, Services and Property:
Many will argue that goods, services and property cannot be disseminated equally. Actually if perfect equality was the goal, then that would be the easiest objective to fulfill, as everyone would receive identical goods, services and property regardless of age or physical needs. However, perfect equality would not be optimal as citizens have varying physical, emotional and social needs to consider. The system would strive for acceptability among similar living scenarios.

A single person may not need or want a large home as it would require much maintenance time and effort, thus taking away valuable time from self advancement and global contribution. Additionally, a single person may appreciate minimal space for privacy while having free access to meals and the proximity of peers. A married couple with children require more living space, food and services.

Either way, singles, married couples and other cohabitation groups could choose among appropriate living scenarios at zero cost. Any entity could choose among dormitory, apartment, condominium, housing neighborhoods or even relative seclusion. The system is robust with built-in flexibility as properties could be readily exchanged among other citizens as needed or desired. With minimal complications, entities could swap geographical locations to meet changing demands for personal skills or mutual changes of scenery. These exchange arrangements could be temporary or permanent among entities locally, nationally or globally. When all skills and efforts are willingly shared, there would be no need for buying and selling, profits and losses or having and not having.

Other than relative seclusion, living choices could include quality daily meals prepared by highly skilled culinary chefs. These chefs would receive continuous training updates as scheduled throughout the year. These chefs, naturally, would provide their services at zero cost.

The old imperfect distribution system would be replaced with this progressive yet imperfect system with inherent philosophies that reflect cooperative highest ideals of the human race.

What’s In It For Me?
How is the presumption of a “what’s in it for me” majority mentality addressed? It is believed that acts of human nature are divided into those in response to competitive-restricting or cooperative-nurturing environments. Our current global, national and often community and individual environments are infused with competition for every resource and consideration for survival and advancement. Accordingly, we should not be surprised that human beings have responded to such competition with “what’s in it for me” defensive posturing.

Furthermore, we should not expect any significant and sustainable improvements globally or individually without a fundamental change in the way we choose to interact among each other, derived from change at a base philosophical level. The recommendation is a bold shift from a competitive to a cooperative base philosophy. In doing so, individuals worldwide would be keenly aware that they are valuable participants of a global transformation where competition is replaced with cooperation. This global cooperative structure would provide individuals with an increased incentive to choose their higher nature of “what’s in it for the human race” as the new presumed majority mentality.

What about individuals not choosing to volunteer? Similar to the current competitive model, a community system could become vulnerable to deterioration if grossly mismanaged. In comparison, even the richest nations currently have social systems for those unable to provide for themselves. Furthermore, much energy is wasted to identify and remove those falsely deemed eligible for social assistance. Either way, there will be those who will not volunteer during various periods of their lifetime. Under this cooperative model, these periods should be anticipated and deemed healthy for personal growth, perspective and relaxation. These periods will ensure that the vast majority of global citizens will return re-energized for further global volunteerism and contribution.

It is believed that nothing less than extended periods of pure idle thinking and inaction among the majority within a skilled and educated community would be required to fall short of providing a steady abundance of goods and services for the community and excess supply for goodwill to those in need worldwide.

There will be moments when volunteers will receive inquiries from non-volunteers regarding the wisdom of volunteering when one could receive the same resources and benefits without volunteering. Individuals will choose healthy volunteer and non-volunteer periods in their lifetime. Volunteer periods will be productive only with those willing and ready to serve.  Volunteers will recognize that their contributions are what make non-volunteerism and sustained global advancement possible for self and others.

So volunteers will be honorably fulfilling their roles while capable non-volunteers having every opportunity to develop needed skills will in time realize that a life without service is very disappointing. In general, non-volunteers will realize that they were denying themselves the esteem, appreciation and welcome that would come only from learning, optimizing and sharing their skills and time as needed by other citizens locally and perhaps globally.

Without a profit concern, there would be no inherent financial motive among jobs but there would be the motive for physical and mental expression to fulfill ones highest potential with local and often global contribution effects. Nations, communities and individuals frequently come together to assist another during times of hardship and disaster.

This cooperation model calls for nations, communities and individuals to carry the same goodwill nature with them daily while it provides every individual with multiple opportunities for achieving ones life potentials as never before in human history. Of course no one could conclusively determine that every community worldwide will immediately adopt and succeed with volunteer principles as a way of life. However, when presented with the added security and confidence that their basic needs and essential resources will be available, that practically all communities worldwide are working in a parallel fashion, that such a plan was created with their opinions as significant contributions, that this one step is the most significant part of a global plan that will eventually retire the majority of current global problems and initiate immediate sustainable growth opportunities for every individual, then informed communities and individuals will generally endorse the plan.

Interests Conflicts Among Leadership Entities:
Some components of leadership would retain serious theoretical conflicts of interests such that supporting mankind initiatives of this nature and magnitude would unacceptably jeopardize their personal wealth and influence. This sense of despair is symptomatic of evolutionary stagnation and equates to a vote of no confidence by a currently undetermined number of citizens globally.

The relevant point is not how citizens have voted already because this issue is not at the forefront of exploration or debate anywhere. The point is what is in their unspoken hearts today. Serious exploration and contemplation of this proposal by governments worldwide would demonstrate honor and commitment to all global citizens.

Fixations on monetized needs by modern community and global exchange systems now subdue or even restrict the theoretical rate of global advancement. As only one example among many, homes within abundant sunlight communities could now be solar powered with excess energy to charge automotive  and portable energy sources. With this current state of human technology, the problem-solver must inquire why communities worldwide are not adopting similar self-contained energy generation systems.

Upon careful analysis, the conclusion will be that creating and actively distributing self-contained energy systems for independent use would cause unacceptable losses in jobs and revenue. Keep in mind that the owners and other profiting entities do not see the continuation of their operations as an obstacle but as a solution at best, but surely as a means of a stable income stream. The truth is that municipal-driven power generation systems were necessary when no alternate, self-sustainable technologies existed for the individual property owner.

Without monetary consideration anywhere, similar transitions would have already occurred without resistance. It is this mandatory need to manage and to protect monetized productivity and living that keeps humanity small in nature. This is just one example of how policymakers deny sustainable solutions by making substandard decisions that would be avoided in the absence of monetary exchange and in the presence of pure cooperation.  Money systems in the 21st century are artificial barriers and cause humans to think and act in ways inconsistent with their highest intelligence and ideals. So, the global human psyche must graduate away from strategies that must require money and towards strategies that could fully eradicate problems at their root causes.

Many institutions such as profit corporations and political entities are anticipated to offer resistance since well-established organizations of profit and power would transition with perhaps far less profit, financial influence or control compared to the old money-based ideal system. To pursue our higher global existence requires a commitment to retire all entities that profit to the detriment of any one global citizen.

Some governments and entities have questionable financially-supported interests to protect, conceal and advance. To voluntarily remove their primary or sole influence tool would place their operations in jeopardy. If discovered, these operations may be deemed to be wasteful, illegal or obvious misappropriations of public funds.

Truth discovery will always occur by following and meticulously accounting for the large money trail to every final good and service purchased. Search for discrepancies in paperwork, verbal and written agreements, witness irregularities, excess and unusual charges, inventories unaccounted, unusual combination of goods ordered by entities assumed to operate independently, large funding of special projects, undisclosed funding for technology developed or purchased and unverifiable funding distributions. Discovering and revealing the truth regarding the use of public funds will always be in the best interest of its citizens, regardless of justifications.

Upon unveiling every hidden fact, the public will further absorb the consequences of endorsing money and compensation as these models encourage and facilitate the covert extraction of value to conceal operations. Such activities resist truth and confidence among local and global entities and confirm that money systems are outdated as they cannot serve the future of mankind, having truth and global cooperation at its forefront.

Great caution should be exercised when government entities shape the planning, timing and implementation of global money eradication. Government and other influential entities with perspectives far removed from the people will likely attempt to institute pathways for the advancement of government and themselves at the expense of the people. Only the global masses can institute and endorse plans and visions worthy of their long-term support.

Resistance Among Community Members:
Given a worse case theoretical scenario where a skilled community encounters an act of nature that damages a significant portion of community property, we would look to skilled construction personnel, related building professionals and available unskilled volunteers to be willing to help rebuild the community. This system could break down if everyone decided not to apply their special skills and practice good nature. This would place great shame on individuals who have received their special skills and all basic needs at zero cost and yet choose not to help when needed.

Providing for all basic needs worldwide encourages and makes goodwill possible everywhere. Theoretically, any individual can volunteer to participate in the recovery and advancement of any other community worldwide. Transportation, basic necessities of food, water, shelter or medical care would not be a concern at any component of the decision process or at the final destination where physical presence may be required. This awareness of global cooperation will shift mankind away from self interests and towards family, community and global interests.

It is now apparent why human skills, knowledge and physical resources must be shared at zero cost globally. Otherwise, the ideal of volunteerism will be aggressively replaced with the old competitive ideal of profit where some communities will win and some communities will lose.

Hypothetically, even if citizens worldwide voted today to support the full global cooperative model and all of its benefits, they currently do not believe it can happen. In other words, an undetermined number of people lack adequate confidence in the desire and commitment of  global leadership to deliver the world model desired. This is because there are so many influential entities in our local communities and worldwide that depend on financial reward as a motive such that to jeopardize their long established, money-based operations may equate to political nightmares or termination.

It is this sense of subtle despair derived from a hypothetical scenario but felt by people worldwide that provides speculation that a significant number of world citizens lack confidence in the ability and desire of world leadership to act purely in the interest of humanity. Citizens worldwide know in their hearts that this is the path we must take, yet they must immediately abandon their ideal because of their strong belief that their leadership has vastly different ideas regarding global progress and the presence of overwhelming forces supporting business as usual.

In the aftermath of global money and compensation eradication, entities must identify and learn to confront declines, activities and horrors attributed to past money and other compensation systems. Individuals must confront regretful, shameful decisions and activities due to pursuits of monetary and other artificial gains.  Governing and other group entities depending on compensations systems must realize the countless technological and human advancement proposals that failed or was delayed due to artificial financial barriers. These voluntary confrontations are necessary healing steps towards true advancement. The global Psyche Optimization Program P.O.P. will be well suited to address these anticipated psychological conditions.

System Abuse:
Upon careful consideration regarding multiple systems to allot resources among individuals, it is concluded that, similar to the current era, there would always be some individual or entity who will attempt to legally or illegally transfer resources to themselves to the detriment of others. Only in systems where all essential resources are freely available can we minimize acts of control and related controversy.

Biometric implanted RFID (radio frequency identification) devices will be met with justified concerns regarding their safety and ultimate usage.  Usages and capabilities known by the general public versus development and leadership entities may vary.  Individuals must always have the right and ultimate power to not participate and to control these devices.

Job Safety Concerns:
There will be certain vital but perhaps dangerous jobs that people would prefer not to volunteer to perform. Emphasis must be placed on the larger picture that without these volunteers, significant resource utilization or other important human endeavors would not be possible. Every consideration must be given to prevent or reduce danger to individuals and other life. More volunteers can be recruited to reduce individual exposures.

Further commitments can be introduced to procure or invent specialized protective equipment. Meanwhile, informing the workers that continued research advancements from multiple collaborations of entities and individuals worldwide are in progress to eventually replace all humans in such dangerous environments with robotic and other technological substitutes.

There will be strong tendencies to continue the current system as governments and citizens are well accustomed to using money. This mindset rejects global progress strategies by holding on to outdated habits and debilitating systems that are incompatible with progress. Both global leadership and global citizens must acquire adaptive mentalities that commit to the future by always looking beyond the present.

Compensation and Justice in NonMonetized Societies:
Without financial compensation, it would be essential to develop just, humane and effective laws and methods to resolve disputes. Without money, property or debt for exchange or compensation, there must be intelligent and effective alternatives to administer justice without resorting to barbarism. Likewise, it is not preferred to frequently imprison citizens for slight infractions. As there is no one effective solution for all nations and communities, more speculation will surely provide the many alternatives to effectively manage the conduct of general society.

Possible solutions involve substitution of similar goods damaged or providing related personalized services to the injured party. Of course, forgiveness is always effective and inspiring. It is the long-term vision of the author that, within several centuries of instituting policies consistent with global highest ideals, humanity can potentially evolve such that intentional killing and other voluntary, inhumane activities could expire from the human experience. This possibility exists because of the latent capacity for the global human psyche to rise above competitive thoughts and activities when the proper supportive environment is sustained.

Lack of Cooperative Psyche:
To provide for those in most need, a generous mindset to donate obvious excesses is required. Furthermore, during extreme shortages anywhere, all community managers are expected and required to scale down resource consumption until the crisis has ended. Upon confirmation of significant shortage anywhere, public media and internet technology disseminate requests for assistance. National or community level management responds with the quantities of resources available for donation and transportation support. Entities unable to donate essential needs can offer delivery support or simple wishes for future prosperity. Only an email response or a completed online form is required for many of these donation pledges. However, gratitude for support received deserves the widest dissemination.

Administrative Challenges:
The successful uncoupling from competitive money-based resource distributions to cooperative-based resource distributions worldwide will occur as global leadership unite and deliver its proclamation along with full justifications to the human race regarding its purpose, scope, benefits, vulnerabilities and long-term vision. This declaration would permit a thoughtful model and plan for cooperation and interaction derived from significant contributions by representatives of all people.

It is believed that upon understanding the vision and the plan, global citizens would willingly accept what will eventually be classified as relatively small sacrifices incurred. Before this can happen, first a global wisdom must be adopted indicating sufficient consensus existing to justify the transition towards money eradication. Second, formal and informal global think-tanks, with significant contributions from individuals worldwide, would contemplate possible obstacles and their associated adaptations. Third, each nation and community would determine how to adapt and proceed with implementations to best serve their people yet consistent with the prescribed global highest ideals. Each major topic page from this website provides an overview or survey of what we can accomplish if we choose to unite in this regard.

Communities must be able to maintain an accurate status and projection of available skills, qualifications and proficiencies at all times. This model would demonstrate management robustness if all skills, qualifications and proficiencies are documented online and accessible by community manpower/ human resource personnel for the purpose of anticipating and managing changes in available skills within all communities.

Eventually, nations must establish a global deadline for retiring or converting any and all contracts and agreements having money as a means of exchange, compensation or performance guarantee.

An initial adjustment period is expected as nations, communities and individuals establish acceptable and reliable levels of goods and services while an awareness of significant worldwide progress unfolds.

Confidence in a currency is based on the ability of a nation to pay its debts. Gold reserves tend to be the insurance commodity that will support a national currency. Currently, gold has many physical properties that makes it globally valuable. However, with the acceleration of individual educational opportunities, knowledge advancements and corresponding technological expansions, there will be an abundance of discoveries that will rival or replace gold as a valuable commodity.

Scenarios will consist of mixtures of voluntary consumption, balancing resources or allocation according to need globally. An unbiased and most competent international council could monitor where human and physical resources are most required to accomplish the greatest good while ensuring that every human being globally receives all basic needs.

These advancements will be significantly obstructed if global leadership or planners implement money eradication or other significant  social policy shift without a corresponding open education and training system highly endorsed and accessible by world citizens. Citizens worldwide must fully believe that leadership has opened every material and knowledge resource to every individual.

A Work In Progress:
Answers to every possible question were not intended to be revealed here. When we realize that zero cost cooperative global operations are possible, beneficial and necessary, then global interactions, national committees, local discussions, individual inspirations and new technologies will further reveal how to proceed with confidence.

Every proposal need not be implemented exactly as outlined in this work. In fact, the author is encouraging all entities and individuals worldwide to digest the ideas, to converse within your communities, to collaborate among colleagues not with the preconceived objective to defeat the work but to determine possibly how it could be transformed from theory to a successful global reality. It is hoped but not expected to get every aspect of the transformation right during the initial years. Individuals globally must understand the vision and benefits sought and must be willing to adapt. What everyone should expect is that we have the right vision and direction for the human race.

The human race would be replacing one imperfect system with another imperfect system. The difference is that the replacement system has the capacity to truly provide for every global human in the present and the future. It is the system that is necessary and worthy of cultivation for thousands of years.

Challenges to removing currency and compensation from human civilization.

Money as a Limiting Model:
The minimum quasi or full global cooperative model must be in progress. Because these models permit free medical care to all human beings, having all volunteer medical professionals would be ideal. Otherwise, a major health care budget imbalance is likely.

All volunteer medical professional must be able to receive their basic needs at no cost as prerequisite supports in order to provide their services at no cost.

During initial transition periods, there will be strong incentives for health professionals to pursue highly paid private employment. We must not relent in our vision that money motives must end globally to fully realize the benefits of this project. We must believe in the people to see our common vision to reality.

Programs to eliminate previous college debts for medical education and training would facilitate the transition for volunteer service.

Limited Medical Training and Education:
Complete and regular video additions to the G.E.T.V.P. free global educational videos project for the medical sciences are critical prerequisites to help train the desired number of medical professionals in minimum time without regard to cost or geography.

The unwillingness to retire compensation-based economies.

Ignoring Critical Support Systems:
Crime and violence are strongly linked to the failure to implement pure global cooperation, therefore, related cooperation objectives must be explored.

Without complete availability of academic and trade education for every global citizen, humanity fails to provide critical tools to those in need of inspiration, accomplishment, contribution and hope.

Without complete availability of psyche support for every global citizen, humanity will continue to nurture, by default, harmful causes and effects that societies strive to eradicate.

Against Positive Community Psyche:
Revenging and opportunistic individuals and groups sometimes perceive murder as their morally correct response to self-perceived injustices. While legally approved justice systems routinely inflict death sentences, the represented population observes that it is justified to kill another human being under some circumstances other than self-defense.

This dilemma equates to the government or justice system policy “do as we say,  not as we do.”  Citizens observing justice systems that inflict death under any circumstance internalizes these acts as justifying the death of another human being under some circumstances. Therefore, individual or group killing of another may be justified in the minds of some entities under some circumstances as an extension of this same logic. As long as leadership and justice entities willfully inflict death upon any human being for any reason, then citizens will always contemplate the willful killing of another as a viable choice.

Where there is an abundant lack of self-control, there is community decline. Communities must take full responsibility for each stage in the psychological nurturing of every community member and to organize and be willing to go all the way daily to discourage and deter inappropriate behavior. Concurrently, they must also be trained to protect, educate, redirect, monitor and inspire each citizen to optimize motives and rewards for good and cooperation.

Friction against these goals occur when insufficient responsible adults are available to monitor the streets, casual recreation areas and known trouble areas. This limitation is usually due to the need to work to satisfy financial needs. Money needs actually remove essential community observers when and where they are needed most. This reinforces the need to retire financial compensation and debt systems in exchange for cooperation.

Medically-Induced Unconsciousness Concerns:
The decision to replace death sentences with temporary medically induced unconscious states will be met with controversy. Examples include morality of intentionally placing an otherwise healthy human being into altered states, the medical equipment and personnel required, whether proper justice is being carried out by extending the life of would-be executed inmates and whether such treatment is in the best interest of the inmate and society.

Furthermore if the goal is long-term rehabilitation over short-term behavior management, then it must be determined whether successful rehabilitation could occur during unconscious states.  Additionally, moral implications must be addressed involving whether unconscious states prevent the opportunity for true personal introspection for voluntary growth.

Assuming that an inmate wants to live, then this policy provides an alternative to execution and a possibility to benefit from future wisdom and psychological expertise. This policy can serve as a law aiding to protect human life or at least become an option for judicial bodies. It could serve to support the emotional needs of grieving family members desiring close long-term physical proximity for family mourning, prayer and healing, acts which may be impossible after traditional inmate execution and disposition of remains.

It should be noted that sometimes current inmate mental states prevent the possibility of direct physical or verbal interaction. This policy would provide the children a chance to visit, see and touch their parent perhaps years after sentencing and years after an execution would normally have been scheduled.

It should be noted that currently some children never grow to see a parent because of executions. This denial can inflict extreme emotional trauma to children. Furthermore, allowing a coma-revived inmate the opportunity to visit their children or parents could be the stimulus to generating a strong will to live, to participate in family life and perhaps possible rehabilitation.

Current society may be incapable of fathoming the possibility of future inmate rehabilitation, but future humanity and psychiatric ability should be given a chance. Assuming that death sentencing is the worst case scenario, then perhaps this model demonstrates human compassion along with the possibility of future inmate redemption.

This policy presumes that safe medical technology and knowledge exist to implement and manage temporary medically induced unconscious states. All parties concerned must be fully aware of the possibility of inmate decline or death under these conditions. The author has no significant medical training. Unknown medical risks or complications may exists with these procedures and are not documented here.

Perceptions Against Positive Inmate Care:
Some will say that treating inmates with great respect will undermine the need to punish them. Although inmates will have vast entitlements available to them as do other global citizens, they will not have the freedom to participate in the rapidly expanding opportunities outside of prison boundaries. Under the new global model where opportunities and growth flourish, this physical restriction will be significant punishment, a powerful motivator to participate in open society and discourage return to prison-restricted environments.

Systemic Financial Incentives and Abuse:
Some incarceration systems worldwide use inmates for covert or overt profit work programs. Accordingly, these programs, and any financial motive or restriction, support resistance to change and further justifies implementing the global money eradication proposal.

The unwillingness to affirm every global citizen.



Education Challenges

Global Cooperation




Critical Support Omissions:

The G.E.T.V.P. free global education project would enhance individual skills and thought processes worldwide, thus empowering individuals with productive and creative tools for contribution and accelerating solutions to our mutual problems. Bypassing this need deny individuals from their vision to prosperity.

Insufficient Contemplation Among Global Citizens:
Nations may not initially understand the goals and expectations of the proposed global highest ideals and may be hesitant to support them. Alternatively, current leadership may have very limited interest in the proposed global changes and could fail to fully inform and advise their constituents regarding every known benefit.

Governments must discuss all obligations and expectations among their own people and to all global cooperative entities for support. Global highest ideals must receive formal approval by all nations. The cooperative operating model is the way to global cooperation and global peace.

Substandard Vision and Commitment of Global Leadership:
No vision can be executed and sustained on behalf of the people without authentic and shared support from leadership. Governments must understand the harmony between policy and adopted ideology. They must remain steadfast knowing that their ideals always serve the people and not government or themselves. Governments exist to serve the people, where tyranny is the exact opposite of global highest ideals. Governments must serve at the request of and subject to the will of the people, especially with respect to domestic concerns. They must recognize adopted global highest ideals as their primary tool for direction and motivation.

Governing Covenants and Political Posturing:
Major resistances will exist among nations from their varying governing covenants. Some of those resistances will emanate from concerns regarding the security of nations. Contemplations must resolve current governing laws and perceived vulnerabilities to achieve the desired globally adoptable highest ideals as defined by the people.

During the initial years towards pure global cooperation, some nations may choose protectionist-style laws, actions and beliefs to minimize the risk of change. This thinking creates international vulnerabilities affecting associated communities, families and individuals. For this reason, extensive interactions are required at every level of every government and their people to generate a consensus regarding how to adapt and optimize the global resource distribution model. Emphasis should be placed on contingency planning for trade disputes, capacity changes, logistical obstacles and other disruptive influences.

Global cooperation does not require a supreme global government, unless this is deemed to be the will of the global people.  Supreme ruling entities insert undue obstacles to free community exchanges. In this regard, world government as a supreme ruling entity is unnecessary if not detrimental. Actually, successful global cooperative relations could be implemented at local citizen levels acting multilaterally in cooperation with all other locales worldwide. A global network of local communities can successfully exchange resources as needed.

Open Communication Restrictions:
To achieve stable and optimized communications between individuals and governments worldwide, communication freedoms and opportunities must be broadly enabled. Accordingly, governments and other communications technologies management entities that currently censor or otherwise inhibit free and open communications of one or more humans must retire these restricting philosophies to participate in authentic global progress.

Sovereign Rights Extremes:
Nations claim sovereign rights to WMD devices. Justifying control by sovereign right is flawed with the unbearable risk to every nation outside the sovereign territory of WMD devices. Sovereign right justifications should be rejected when the consequences of their acts and materials controlled risk human life outside their own sovereign borders.

Independent WMD controls represent extreme examples of this global risk. Without global commitments to remove independent WMD, all humans remain potential targets for annihilation. Restructuring  control of all WMD under one global defense council transfers focus away from annihilation vulnerabilities between governments, peoples and other entities by properly redirecting focus to endeavors that could actually benefit the entire human race.

WMD Policy Implementation:
WMD management possess consequences too critical to plan, execute or manage haphazardly. Strict checks and balances must ensure that only relevant factors contribute to global defense council selection, management and very limited mission of planetary defense and any other mission for global benefit. The global defense council must be invulnerable to every worldly conflict, including conflicts among council membership.

Because membership is either bestowed or withdrawn based on due trust, experience, wisdom and commitment, no nation shall possess the power to transfer global defense council membership. Furthermore, no entity will separately own or control WMD devices. Therefore, changes in global defense council member status does not revert previously owned or controlled WMD devices for separate national control. In essence, all WMD control strictly remains with the global council.

Global defense council officials must pass ongoing assessments for judgment and stability. After careful consideration, any nation choosing not to participate in the global cooperative must strictly cooperate with the global defense council with respect to possessing any development stage of WMD materials, technologies and plans within its territory or control and to satisfy all other global security mandates.

Global leadership will occasionally offer policies to mutually dismantle all WMD devices worldwide. These policies can potentially be successful only if there can be agreement and action to mutually dismantle WMD worldwide and sustained by highest ideal commitments among every successive world leader to prevent future WMD re-escalation. However, dismantling of WMD worldwide could be soon followed by rapid WMD re-escalation or initial escalation by rogue entities resulting from unresolved foreign relations or balance of power conditions.

Furthermore, in the absence of effective alternatives, complete dismantling of all WMD worldwide potentially places the entire human race at risk of having a less effective defense on a planetary scale. Nevertheless, if directed, the global defense council would be the appropriate council to facilitate dismantling all WMD worldwide.

Contemplating a global defense council, or other more appropriately named structure, will be met with predictable resistance among many entities. However, when presented with the alternative of inevitable future increases in WMD knowledge, developments and potential threats among nations, it must be eventually concluded that secure control of worldwide WMD materials and technologies should be operationally controlled by one responsible global council.

If both administrative and operational control under one global council is deemed as investing too much power in one organization, then administrative and executive control can be bestowed to the head of state of every nation. In other words, a unanimous approval of  in excess of 200 independent minds representing their sovereign nations must agree on the decision, timing and targeting before an operational WMD launch by the global defense council would be possible. Multiple layers of software, electronic, cryptology and human protocols would safeguard against an accidental or unauthorized launch.

Because global sharing or need-based resource allocation is the goal, reports, certifications or inspections may be necessary under some circumstances to confirm and optimize resource consumption, productivity and efficiency of all nations.

Clandestine Programs:
Governments participating in Unidentified Flying Objects or Unidentified Submerged  Objects (UFO/USO) programs will never fully obtain the trust of their people or other nations as long as these operations continue to be clandestine. If such objects are friendly aliens, then global citizens continue to be denied the privilege to participate in forming and advancing cooperative relations with them. If they are unfriendly aliens, then global citizens continue to be denied relevant information for personal contingency planning. If they are solely advanced human technologies, then global citizens continue to be denied opportunities to participate in expanded transportation technologies and other everyday applications that could potentially end any perceived global energy crisis. Nevertheless, every excluded global citizen continue to be denied the chance to grow now from formally releasing every coveted truth.

Continuing global power and competition as usual.

Traditional Competition Versus Mental Utilization:

Do we continue to wait far in our evolution under the current competitive model in hope that we achieve sufficient human mental utilization globally? Do we first provide the environment where all humans thrive under the new cooperative model in order to accelerate the global growth in human mental utilization? By continuing the current competitive model, we would accept no human intelligence credit earned only by intentionally facing the difficult global commitment to provide the environment where all humans thrive. Additionally, the longer we fail to provide the environment where all humans thrive, the greater the risks that the human race will not survive long enough to achieve sufficient mental utilization necessary to solve the world problems.

However, under the cooperative model, we honor our highest ideal to care for all humans. We claim the credit and honor resulting from intentionally facing the difficult global commitment to provide the environment where all humans thrive. We increase the chances of human survival by providing timely global hope and confidence. We accelerate realizing the benefits of global growth in human mental utilization and global problems solved.

Global Influence on Individual Intelligence:
Some will insist that true intelligence is used to overcome obstacles to success and that there is no benefit in trying to advance individual intelligence using global policies. However, recall that this website is global in nature and serves every global citizen, without exception. Accordingly, a human civilization advancement strategy is preferred. Yes, intelligence is used to overcome adversity. It is desirable to maximize the ability to overcome obstacles and adversities by the greatest number of citizens worldwide. The goal is not isolated but broad global advancements in human capacities for sustained civilization and planetary benefits. In this regard, broad global cooperative environments are required with certain base highest ideal philosophies common among nations and communities worldwide. Additionally, broad global intelligence utilization is also dependent upon internal personal psyche conditions. Every human must feel free to express any thought for consideration. Every entity must attempt to extract value from every individual thought offered for consideration.


Self Resistance:
Although an individual may take initial steps to transform ones mental state, the last barrier to self advancement is always self. Personal psyche influences personal will and the utilization of individual intelligence capacity.

Denial of global influence, competition supported stagnation, self resistance.

Classifying Past Activities as Human Nature:

Some will offer the theory that it is mans nature to indulge in greed, selfishness, deception and manipulation to achieve ones objectives. Some will offer the excuse that such a global decree will never happen, so why waste any effort or resource in this regard? That thinking process is far too outdated and destructive to model our future existence. It suggests extremely low levels of esteem, respect and aspiration for our entire race. Such negative thoughts have permeated mans existence probably since our origin. However, it is believed that at every moment, each individual and entity has a choice. Realization remains impossible as long as leadership continues their business as usual momentum and fails to demonstrate a formal commitment to global highest ideals.

Thought as an All-Inclusive Barrier:
One obstacle common to all proposals is the current psyche condition. Accordingly, a separate proposal is devoted to this cause. While it is presumed that a majority of global citizens would approve of these objectives in principle, it is anticipated that global decision makers will lack sufficient faith or belief in their people to cooperate. Free global education requires that competent teachers volunteer worldwide, free global health care requires that competent medical professional volunteer their skills locally and worldwide where needed, money eradication requires citizens to pursue their desired skills training at zero cost to volunteer for local or global benefit, crime and violence reduction requires that community members be afforded time for psyche development opportunities and global cooperation requires primarily that global leadership implement policies based on global benefit. Yes, global citizens will require an adaptive and interactive collective psyche.

When humans achieve authentic global and personal psyche and moral development, self-controlled societies are enabled. In the absence of this prerequisite development, default government laws sprout as a form of damage control. Emphasis must be placed on nurturing psyche and moral development among the human species.

Lacking A Sustained Global Advancement Motive:
The global, P.O.P., psyche optimization program requires highly skilled personnel, and cannot be sustained by current financial compensation systems. This reinforces the proposal to retire money and other compensation systems and replace them with global cooperation. The fundamental motive for volunteer participation should be for sustained human advancement. A cooperative model supports this program as many motives for greed, selfishness, manipulation and deception are derived from money related issues.

Unwillingness to discover and reveal the truth in every endeavor.

Primary Obstacle to Highest Ideals:

There is really only one main obstacle. That is the competitive thinking model where the one driving thought is “what’s in it for me?” All other specific obstacles emanate from this one main obstacle.

The “what’s in it for me?” mentality exists when one refuses to value decisions and sacrifices primarily by global benefit or for the greater goodwill for all humanity. This mentality arises from a desire for gain or preservation.

Ideal Manifestations:
The greatest obstacles to human advancement are human-created and human-sustained.

Conflicts between Lower and Higher Ideals:
Who can fathom any person, organization or institution not having the future of human conditions, evolution and humanity as the highest priorities when making decisions? Could there possibly be human entities with priorities that subordinate human evolution or survival to the needs of the entity? Entities opposing positive human evolution will in some way possess the perception of losing due to pure international cooperation or benefiting from a status quo, human evolution stalemate or decline in the long-term.

Any entity who risks their influences, powers, financial compensations or benefits with the transition to a cooperative model may have sufficient motives to resist global highest ideals and thus benefit from a human evolution stalemate or decline.

Costs as an Artificial Barrier:
Cost has a way of inhibiting most programs that would advance our civilization. Human leadership often analyzes prospective programs and ideas to be highly beneficial. However, too often the cost is too high to budget or it does not meet the minimum return on investment. Excellent civilization-advancing ideas are dismissed or become noted for future possibilities because of insufficient money. Humans lacked sufficient pieces of paper etched with esoteric symbols and with faces other than their loved ones.

Current Lower Ideals:
The state of self, family, community and all humanity contribute to the current crisis environment and the crisis state of every individual human. This crisis environment prevents total healing of the mind and body. This stressed state prevents the activation of increased brain efficiency, multiple-intelligence and our next genetic evolution.

This crisis state is considered subtle at best as humans enjoy moments of happiness while awaiting the next certain moment of caution, fear and expectation of debilitating news regarding a multitude of concerns such as war, crime, poverty, loss of home and personal property, poor health management and lacking financial resources to meet obligations. These are obvious examples among many non-harmonious conditions for individual classification as crisis states and nurtured by the current civilization model.

From Vision to Reality:
Bringing the cooperative vision to reality will appear to be a very elusive accomplishment to some. This may be because the person perceiving may refuse to imagine any system other that the present one. Perhaps the person is limiting thought to the current day competition model which is incompatible with the cooperative model, where free premium education for all and mass volunteerism will drive our productivity. When mentally flexible enough to expand beyond the current environment, then an observer mentality becomes possible as if perceiving another civilization. The observer notices an extremely high level of educated and skilled people. They share every resource and work in harmony and collaboration by choice. There is no need or desire for destructive behaviors or intentions. There are multiple collaborative groups connected locally and globally to advance specific objectives. They have plenty of individual time to pursue personal interest. Their civilization has evolved to become truly civil. This preconceived civilization is our future civilization, if only we choose it and claim it as our destiny.

Failed Global Leadership Efforts:
Global leadership must agree upon the essence of the transformation and follow by rapid dissemination among all global citizens. Then global citizens will have sufficient time to contemplate the short-term and long-term rewards and obstacles of the transition.

Caution should be exercised if the reverse scenario occurs, when global citizens initially push for these advancements while current leadership remain restricted to old thinking models. To excessively delay or avoid this progress requested by citizens may invite protest and revolt.

The worst case scenario is if neither global leadership nor global citizens insist on such advancement changes before world conditions and hope decline to uncontrollable levels.

Global leadership will continue to focus on election promises and pertinent agendas. Meanwhile, with significant contributions from advising entities, leaders will incorporate into their speeches positive and futuristic words, phrases and ideals extracted from communications that reflect the thoughts and dreams of their people. While coupling political accomplishments or promises with carefully incorporated phrases that approximate the thoughts and ideals of the people, leadership may gain an appearance of understanding the people. The words and ideas perhaps will be transferred from the highest ideals of the proposals outlined to complement their policy objectives. Note that those same policies will most likely be substandard in comparison to globally adoptable highest ideals, as their policies will be limited by their philosophies that omit at least one global citizen.

Lost Opportunities:
Humanity will again miss another accelerated growth opportunity due to “what’s in it for me” motives. Leadership will have missed another opportunity to reveal a much larger vision and role in the advancement of humanity. When global leadership fails to derive, execute and communicate every policy within the context of long-term global highest ideals, they bypass rare opportunities to reveal and to reinforce ideals that will unite nations and will sustain the human race for thousands of years.

Falsely Perceived Goals:
These ideals do not endorse a one world government leadership where human rights and compassion for all people are not valued and respected. Proposed ideals could be components incorporated where laws reflecting highest ideals exist to protect and to advance the entire human race.

Humanity versus Natural Selection:
Natural selection chooses the survival of species both actively and by default.  Earth species continue to be selected for survival and extinction genetically, socially and technologically. The human race has advanced significantly in every vital area. However, when faced with our future obstacles, the level of social progress will affect our survival far more than any other factor. Our ability to maintain peace and work together will determine our capacity to sufficiently advance technologically to confront the adversaries of the future. Global entities believe that by acting alone or without unleashing the human intelligence of every global citizen, that they can arrive in the future as advanced. At best, technologies will advance, but severely lacking the magnitude of growth rate desired and required to support global social needs.

Substandard Global Social Advancement Policies:
When leadership place technology over social and psyche development, obvious human declines occur that inhibit psychological and technological advances. There is currently mass stagnation from underdeveloped and underutilized minds. Accordingly, default lower conditions prevail such as selfishness, insecurity, increased burdens on society, declines among families and significant relationships and mistrust.

Governments choosing to control society, at the expense of healthy individual minds, are unable to find voluntary peace and progress. These are signs that the human race wants and needs a common direction to thrive together. Together is the word of focus as entities truly want to be components of a global plan that is reflected and sustained by their common ideals and beliefs. Any conditions less than these are the tools for global insecurity and competition. Continuing these conditions have caused human decline and if unchecked will place mankind on the natural selection path for extinction. Without sufficient technology, mankind will not have the tools to adequately and timely detect, identify, study, destroy or avoid external space matter coming towards earth. Without sufficient social and psyche advancement compared to technological advancement, mankind will use current devastating technology for competition, power and self annihilation. Furthermore, without sustained social and psyche conditions that nurture every global citizen, there lie the ingredients for stagnating if not debilitating technological growth required to meet known and unknown future obstacles.

Reviewing each major topic page before arriving at a conclusion is highly recommended. By analyzing only one or two topics, some readers would be prone to accelerate seeking a negative preconceived final opinion regarding the entire site content and thus preserving ones current philosophy. The concluded logical flaw could occur as one attempts to incorporate several topic page ideas and ideals into the current world model. However, changing one aspect of society affects all other aspects. Therefore, other topic proposals not yet reviewed by the reader may offer the solutions to the questions in one’s mind. Upon reviewing all major topic pages and understanding how each proposal and vision fits together to create one harmonious living model, then the reader can draw an informed conclusion. Upon contemplating all content and ideals, the reader is encouraged to conclude whether this proposed global, local and individual model for living would be superior or inferior to conditions and events we experience everyday and for our future evolution.

Current mind as a barrier to ideal mind.

Profit and Job Security Motives:
If profit motives are subordinated and replaced with long-term strategic global needs, the human race will recognize and benefit from permanent orders-of-magnitude increases in available skilled professionals in every known discipline. Furthermore, with the money obstacles removed, the limits to the number of doctors, nurses, scientists, engineers and other specialists available to meet every global demand will also be removed. These factors alone justifies the permanent removal of financial and other obstacles to free education worldwide.

Great resistance is expected among institutions and thinkers insisting on the expectation of profit. Education professionals may offer resistance because of job and financial security concerns. This further supports the notion that relevant institutional thinking may resist global progress. Who can truly deny the worldwide benefits of such a plan? The G.E.T.V.P. free global education project can go unrealized because of the primary thinking obstacle “What’s in it for me?”

The most obvious obstacle is that a university may feel it to be self-defeating to offer knowledge resources freely to the global public. This is a reasonable point of speculation, assuming that the acquisition of money represents the greatest ideal. Because the G.E.T.V.P. project would be a global resource, any effect would be absorbed among the overall global education community. Emphasis is required on the global picture, recognizing that the permanent benefits for the human race far exceeds any conceivable profit from everyday operations of any university. Nevertheless, course enrollments may actually increase over the long-term as easy access to the global videos would advance more students at every level of learning and stimulate new interests and aptitudes for college-level learning. Thus, the pool of eligible college applicants could increase over time due to these efforts.

Lack of Commitment from University Leadership:
Although there are some web videos currently available, several institutions can take the lead initiative to produce complete libraries of videos enabling any individual the capacity to learn all objectives required for degree completion. Then, testing would be necessary to obtain appropriate credit and credentials.

Video Production Budgeting Limitations:
Academic institutions will consider the cost associated with producing and making the videos available to the public. Because we probably will have not yet achieved retirement of global money systems in exchange for pure cooperation worldwide, governments may choose tax breaks or other monetary incentives for completion of each full video course. The purpose would not be to pay for the course but to offset a portion of administrative expenses incurred to make the full course video lecture available to government or other dedicated download sites.

Video Rebroadcast and Distribution Rights:
International organizations or governments must have full rights to delegate the dissemination of the videos at zero cost and unencumbered by future changes in institutional policies regarding previous videos authorized for distribution. In other words, the global public must be immune from video access restrictions based on changes or legal loopholes empowering institutions with the ability to remove these most valuable resources in the future.

Adaptations for the Impaired:
The value of these videos is elevated with closed captioning options for the hearing impaired and audio language translations. Media file formats should be compatible with a wide array of computer systems, portable media players and smart phones in global use.

Protecting money while ignoring the global vision.

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